Hurt & Anger

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With it being late I knew this was not going to be the best conversation to have with Stef right now. It was nearly four in the morning, she was tired, cranky and rather exhausted as I watched her light a smoke and drink a second beer. This situation with Stefanie had her heartbroken for she loved the girl like her own daughter and their relationship was very special to her. Considering Stefanie had not spoken to her in well over three months I knew it was hurting Stef more then she cared to let on and I knew it was tearing her up inside.

"Stef? Did you hear me? Babe? MM?" I ask as all she can do is let out another laugh which I knew meant she was steaming and more angry than anyone could imagine.

"Yup, I heard you. Starlette, huh? I guess she works the streets because I just picked a Starlette up last week over on Grand Concourse. Maybe they know each other." She says sarcastically taking another puff. "Ya think?"

"I don't think so honey but Tess is beside herself. So is Jerry. Apparently she's dressing, well provocatively, and smoking weed, drinking and well, you know what comes along with that. I asked them if they can come for Thanksgiving instead of Christmas. I know it's still a few weeks away. But..."

"But Stefanie is not going to live past Thanksgiving, Lena." She says rather rapidly as she puts out her cigarette and stands. "Because I'm getting on a plane, and I'm going to tear her narrow ass to shreds. You hear me! She ain't living until Thanksgiving or Halloween for that matter or next weekend! Let her sneak out with me! Let her try that drinking shit and smoking weed! Just let her, so help me GOD! I will FUCK HER UP! Fuck, the plane! I'll drive myself and not stop on the way!! Since I can't get her ass on the phone, I'll yank her by her neck and whip her ass! Fuck that! I'm calling! And she will talk to me!" She gets louder and louder, and I'm afraid she'll wake the kids, let alone, pop a vein as I quickly get up and grab her arm.

"Stef! No! Jerry is..."

"I don't give a crap about Jerry! What does he know? Apparently nothing!! Nothing at all!" She yells even louder as she grabs the phone and I quickly put it back on the hook.

"Stef. NO! I told her we would call her back and we will when you are calm and when you have had some sleep."

"Lena, I'm not calm. I'm never gonna be calm about this. Something is wrong with my goddaughter and I need to help."

"You can't help if you are tired and cranky and have had one too many beers. You need to lay down and go to sleep. Let's go!" I insist as I look into her eyes which are angry beyond words.


"Stef. Tomorrow is another day, baby. Stefanie is safe right now and home."

"Yeah well she's gonna hear it from me. One fucking way or another because I'm going to beat her ass! Let her try to sneak out or even walk after that!" Walking off she grabs a third beer as I let out a sigh for I didn't even get to tell her Callie erased the message from Tess. Maybe in the morning because I knew now was not the time.


Stef and Lena were none the wiser about what had happened on that phone call with Callie and Stefanie, but they knew that Tess had called and found out that Callie had erased the message as the next morning they sat around the breakfast table, Stef looked at her three kids and flat out asked them. They all knew how the blonde was and they were all very much aware she didn't play around especially since her and Lena were now parenting them together. When the blonde was simply her friend things were different but now, she was not one to mess with. At all.

"Don't look at me Mama Dukes! I don't touch that stupid thing!" Corey answered first around a mouthful of eggs.

Frankie looked down at her plate avoiding the question as Callie quickly began gulping her juice. "Frankie? Callie? Care to answer?" Lena frowned picking up almost immediately that the two were nervous.

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