Winter Harbor

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As the plane touched down in Trenton, Maine, Lena held her daughter's hand tightly as Frankie hated flying when it came to landing and taking off. It had been several days since Stef's and her argument in regards to Jenna and Mike, and even though the two had kissed and made up, Lena still was feeling some kind of way. She was very hurt if she was honest for she saw both Frankie and Corey as their kids. But maybe Stef didn't feel the same in regards to Callie? Sure, Mike was still her parents, but what about herself? Of course, they weren't married, but they couldn't get married legally...and that thought alone made her very sad.

It was also possible that she had anxiety over being back in Maine and heading to the house that was once hers and Wills. How would that feel? Would it bring back memories she didn't want to face? Truth was so much had happened so fast in hers and Stef's lives in a short span of time that she hadn't had time to process it all. Either way, the slim woman felt that sooner or later, she'd have to face reality, and very fast. One thing that was certain was she was happy to see Corey again and couldn't wait to see how much he had grown. She couldn't wait to wrap her arms around him and kiss his sweet face.

"We'll head straight to the luggage claim if you still need to use the ladies' room," Stef reached over Frankie's shoulder to place her hand on Lena's arm. Lena turned to her softly and met her gaze as she nodded.


"It'll be fine," Stef whispered knowing what was plaguing her girlfriend. For the most part anyway and she also knew Lena was a tad upset still from their fight. Sometimes Stef really wanted to kick herself for what came out of her mouth. She really did and also knew that she needed to decompress, herself, and this was a good a time as any. If one more thing happened she was going to lose her shit and that wouldn't be a good thing at all.

Having screamed at Mike just two days prior, along with Jenna, Stef knew she needed to take a break from her job and maybe people in general before she throttled someone. Heading to Maine was ultimately her decision, one that she hoped would help the entire family as well as mend the crack in hers and Lena's relationship.


"Tell me how this is remotely okay, Mike! Huh? How is this healthy for our 14 year old daughter?" Stef hollered at the cop as she had just gotten off work and had headed to his apartment. Banging on his door like a lion protecting her cub ,she was furious.

"Who's yelling in the hallway?" Jenna poked her head out the door and as she saw Stef and her face turned white. "Oh, Stef...h..hi!" The red head plastered on a scared smile, for it was true, she was rather scared to finally see the blonde face to face. Of course, Mike had told her that Stef was now a NYC cop, but seeing her in her actual uniform only made it more realistic in her mind which alone made the woman extremely intimidating.

"Jenna," Stef said icily as she glared at the woman. "You live here now? MM? Cuz I gotta tell ya, I don't want my daughter around you. Ever. In this lifetime or the next. You got that?"

"Stef! That's enough! People change!" Mike protested as he tried to stop his ex from making a giant scene in the hallway even though he knew he wouldn't succeed. He knew damn well how Stef was, but he had no idea that Callie knew how Jenna was...or used to be. "You can't just come here like this!"

"Yeah? I can't? Good luck stopping me, Mike!"

"Can you...can you come in, and talk to us Stef? I don't want the whole floor hearing. Plus, I wanted to talk to you anyway," Jenna laughed nervously.

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