Out of Control

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"You're fucking kidding me? That heifer is staying?!" Frankie yells as Corey had just snuck into the girls' bedroom while Stefanie was showering to spill the beans on what he heard last night. It was all he could do while he had laid in his bed completely frozen as he heard Stef nearly scream her head off at Stefanie once again.

"Shhh! Franks!" Callie motions to her little sister to get her to lower her voice, for the last thing they needed was a fight.

"Yup. She had a big fight with Mama Dukes last night. I mean REALLYY BIG!!! I don't know how she's not scared of her because she scares me! Then, Mama Dukes said she was staying and she was in charge of her and that she tells her everything she can do! Even breathing! And she's going to St.Raymond's with us too!"

"Oh fuck no." Frankie jumps off the bed now and storms towards the bedroom door, but Callie reaches her before she opens it and stands in her way.

"Really? You're not going out there, Franks! We should talk about this!"

"Get out of my fucking way Cals!" Frankie tries to push her way past Callie, but she's faster as she catches the younger girl pleading with her not to make a scene.



"FRANKIE!!!!!" Callie grunts as the girls fall to the ground with a thud as Corey stands there wide eyed at his sisters.

"Jesus Christ! Get off of me, Cals! I'm not playing! GET OFFF!!!!" Frankie tries to get up, but Callie is stronger and faster as she pins the girl down.

"You have got to calm down! Frankie! Please! Relax and I'll let you go!"

"I'm NOT RELAXING! GET THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!" Frankie's mouth once more proves to be loud as the door to the bedroom swings open and in walks the blonde who is more furious then ever

"What is going on here?!!! Callie? Frankie? Corey?" Stef places her hands on her hips as both girls jump up, red-faced, and brush their hair back. "And I know I didn't hear someone have the audacity to curse in here! Tell me I'm going deaf huh!!?

"Oh shit!" Corey cusses as Stef looks at him with even more anger.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, oops!" His face turns red as he tries to move around his mom as she puts out her hand.

"Where do you think you're going, young man? I just asked all, three, of you a question! And you watch your mouth before I get the bar of soap in there and wash your mouth out with it!!"

"I'm sorry I just...I..." His face grows redder as he stutters and looks helplessly at his sisters who are both looking at the ground. If he was honest whenever Stef was angry it put the fear of God in him as he gulps and bit his bottom lip out of pure nerves.

"It's nothing," Callie mumbles as Frankie swings her head up to look at Stef.

"She's right. We were just...goofing Mom."

"You're all a bunch of liars, too! Each and everyone of you!!" Stef raises her voice even more as Stefanie walks into the room, a towel around her head and around her body. God the last thing she wanted was to even look at Stef for the woman was someone she no longer liked at all. As sad as that was.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I'll just wait," she freezes in the doorway as the blonde turns to her and sighs.

"Nope. No, no, no! Get in here and get dressed, and you, three," she whirls around to look at the three guilty teens, "Get your asses in the living room! Family meeting in five minutes! You, too, Stefanie! Let's move!" She claps her hands as Frankie, Callie and Corey hurry towards the living room not missing a beat.

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