Dinner and Talks

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"So you should have plenty of room for your things." Lena says to the young teen as she makes room in the closet and drawers for Stefanie. She knew the girl wasn't very comfortable and would try her best to once again talk to the kids to remind them to make her feel at home. Yes, it was difficult based on her behavior but she would try her best.

"Thank you." She sniffled as Lena took a seat on the bed next to her.

"We are all happy you are here, Star."

"You don't have to lie, Aunt Lena. I know everyone in here hates me. I know you do as well." she says as Lena gently grabs her hand.

"None of us hate you, baby. And neither do Stef and I. We just want to help as much as we can."

"I don't need help though. I'm fine. Why don't any of you get that?" Getting up rather frustrated she heads toward the window looking out at the crowded Parkchester street. "My mother is too dense to get it and so is her ex-girlfriend."

"Ex-girlfriend?" Lena asks confused.

"Yeah, Stef. I'm not stupid. I found her journal. I know about them." She spills crossing her arms as Lena nods her head making a mental note to talk to Stef about this and Tess. Shit.

"Well, honey, regardless of that we all care. That's the bottom line and we just want you to know that."

"Sure." She says rolling her eyes as Callie walks in.

"I can come back."

"No, baby, it's fine. Why don't you help Stefanie unpack and we can all eat dinner soon. Okay, babe?"

"Sure, Mom." She says smiling as Lena squeezes her shoulder heading out the room. Standing there Stefanie looks back at her friend feeling bad as Callie takes a seat on the bed.

"I, um, hope you don't mind I looked at some of your new photos that you have in your portfolio. I wasn't being nosy but you had it open on the bed. They are really nice." Stefanie blurts out as she takes a seat next to Callie.

"Oh, thanks."

"You should enter them into like shows and stuff for money. You would win."

"Maybe." She says softly as Stefanie flips through her portfolio again seeing beautiful shots of both Stef and Mike.

"These are nice too. Did you go to work with them?"

"Yeah." Not saying much Stefanie moves closer to the girl.

"Look, you have every right to be angry with me. I'm sorry for what I said about your Mom. It wasn't right of me."

"Why are you so angry with my Mom? What did she do that was so bad? Beside try to help."

"Nothing." Stefanie admits. "I don't know why I feel this way ok Cal? I don't and I'm sorry for hurting your Mom."

"Did you tell her?"

"It wouldn't matter. I messed up a lot with everyone. Even you hate me now which I get." She says tearing as Callie grabs her hand.

"I could never hate you Stefanie. I've loved you from the time we met in California. Remember how much fun we had and Frankie was so bad." She laughs as Stefanie does as well.

"Oh gosh she really was. She didn't mean any harm by it. She always took the blame for things that I did by accident."

"Aww really?"

"Yeah. She did."

"That sounds like her. Remember how bad she was with Luisa?"

"Oh gosh! It's funny now." Stefanie laughs as does Callie. "Remember we snuck out that night and no one ever found out."

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