Chapter 1

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Souline's POV


That is the name.

My name.

I was a 20 year old girl, living in Los Angeles California.

Despite being an orphan, I had a pretty happy life.

A life that I worked so hard for.

Until one day everything changed.

And I....

Ended up here.

Infront of the almighty Mafia Boss, Jeon Jungkook.


Putting on my earphones I strolled down the streets of Los Angeles.

Earphones yeah... I cannot afford airpods and even if I did I'm clumsy so I would lose them in seconds.


The sun was out.

The weather was nice.

I was strolling by the beach so boys were out there skating,

a few girls passed by in the bikes.

Life was beautiful.

I enjoyed being alone.

It has officially been 2 years since I walked out of the orphanage that I had spend the first 18 years of my life.

I was 20... as of today.

20 years of life... 20 birthdays that I spent without a family.

A family that left me.

I could feel the tears build up in my eyes as I remembered the past.

I had tried and eventually found my parents, but did not have the courage to speak to them.

And after seeing how they had other children after me broke my heart.

Was I too much of a waste of space?

Why did I not have a place on that dinner table for christmas?

Why was my present not under that chirstmas tree?

Why was I standing infront of that house, with a face full of tears, looking at the life I could have had.

I wasn't enough.

The music on my earphones changing brought me back to the present.

I walked over to a bench and sat down.

Pulling out my book for the week.

Reading books has been my whole life.

Reading made it possible for me to live whatever life I wanted through the fictional characters.

I have felt heartbreaks and sorrow, happiness and gratitude.

Reading books is life slipping into a whole new world.

I hadn't realized I was in my own world for a long time as the sun was now setting.

The beautiful scenery unfolding before me made me filled with joy.

and envy...

I envied the lives they had.

Happy families,

happy boyfriend/girlfriends,

happy friends...

I envied everything I did not have...

I continued to stare at the sunset, the beautiful blending of the colors.

God is truly the most amazing painter.

The sun was setting... so beautifully. I was lost.

Lost in the colors.

Lost in my thoughts...

It has gotten late. Time to head back home.

I got up from the bench, putting my book in my bag and taking my earphones out.

Having your earphones on when in the dark is not a smart move.

I put everything in my bag and started walking home.

It might have been because of the cold weather at night.

But I felt this cold,

my whole body was shivering.

I was so anxious, as if someone was watching me.

I was hoping that it was not it, and started speeding up so I could head home faster.

Adjusting my senses to focus around me, I started hearing footsteps, and out of the corner of my eye seeing some shadows.

The moment I would speed up, so would they.

My heart was about to beat out of my chest.

Please don't let this be.

The thing that I dreaded most eventually happened.

The footsteps sped up and soon after a sharp pain on the back of my head, darkness took over me.


I had read so many books and if I had friends, I would definitely think this was a prank...

It was not.

"I think he will be pretty happy with this one." A voice was heard at the front of the car.

"Definitely. She's a good pet." the other laughed.

"If only she wasn't here especially for Jungkook, I would definitely have her in my bed tonight." The first dude said.

"Man, shut the hell up, as if she'd ever look at you." The second guy said.

"Okay, we are here baby doll." The first dude joked and exited the car. Then the door on my side opened, pulling me out.

Hmmh, I rolled my eyes at them. My voice was almost gone by screaming all this time.

I had no idea where I was, or what was happening because of the cloth I had on my head to block my vision.

I kept walking and walking and walking, up the stairs, inside a house all the way to a room.

The laughter and conversation that was going on in the room fell in silence.

"You have a present... from Jordan." The second guy announced.

"Gentlemen!" Someone coughed and after a lot of people walking past me, out of the room, I was pushed to the floor.

"This is the one, huh?" A new voice said.

I could tell them apart from voices since I could not really see any of them.

All of a sudden the cloth was removed and the light in the room blinded me.

"Where am I?" I finally asked.

My throat was sore after yelling most of the way here.

"She is beautiful!" I heard one of the dudes behind me say.

"Get lost!" I glared back at him before standing up.

"WHERE AM I?!" I asked angrily.

"You are at my house beautiful." The dude infront of me responded.

"Please let me go. I don't know what I'm doing here. Please. I will not talk to anyone, I will not say a thing. Please just let me go." I pleaded desperately.

"No can do, beautiful. You are here for daddy." The new guy walked over and kneeled down so we were on eye level.

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered, not being able to understand what he's saying.

More calmly and slowly for me to understand he repeated again.

"You are not going anywhere, my babygirl, you are here for daddy."

(End of chapter 1.)

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