Chapter 3

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Soul's POV

"Dude, don't make any noise."


"Soobin, she is really pretty. In the future I want to have a girlfriend as pretty as she is."


"Beomgyu, shut up."

Voices... voices... voices...

Was all I heard as I tried to open my eyes.

"Oh shit, she's waking up." Someone said again as I finally opened my eyes to see two boys, watching over me.

Looking around I realised I was in a bed, in the same room.

The tray of food was still on top of that table.

The door was wide open, and these two boys were looking over me.

It's now or never.

With an adrenaline rush in my body, despite not having any energy, I made a run for it.

Before the boys could process what was happening I ran out of the door.

I ran down the hallway while the boys were running behind me.

"Stop her!" They yelled and a guy tried to get in my way to stop me but I dogded him.

I ran now down the stairs and headed for the front door.

It suddenly opened and my body collided with whoever was getting inside the house.

I fell to the ground after colliding with someone.

I looked up slowly, and I dreaded every moment more than the other.

Jeon Jungkook, stood infront of me, glaring down at me.

"Oh shit!" I heard the guys behind me.

"Boss, we're sorry. She fainted so we tried to help her but she got up and ra-" One of the guys explained while trying to catch his breath, but stopped talking the moment Jungkook raised his hand up.

"You," He looked down at me, "Come with me." He started walking expecting me to follow him, but with the door open, I had to try.

I got up but instead of following him, I made a run for it.

I ran out of the door and in no time I heard footsteps behind me.

I was running out of energy but the thought of freedom is what kept me going and pushing my limits.

"SOULINE!" Jungkook growled in anger as he grabbed my arm and stopped me, my body smashing on his.

The gate infront of me made me realize that escaping now was not possible.

I had to accept my fate now and try to escape later when I get the chance IF I don't get killed.

"Let me go, please." I pleaded trying gi escape his grip but he only tightened his grip on my arm, hurting me.

Yeah, that will definitely leave a bruise.

"Please just, let me go. I promise I won't say anything to anyone." I pleaded as he dragged me behind him and back to the house.

"Let me go!" I hit his back, trying to escape from him.

For some reason, his grip on me loosened and I freed my arm from his grip in an attempt to run again.

"SOULINE!" He grabbed me by the waist right now and held me up as I kicked and punched the air.

Upon entering the house he put me down and I turned around immediately, trying to hit him, but he caught my hands.

"You are REALLY asking for a punishment right now."

(End of chapter 3.)

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