Chapter 46

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Third Person's POV

"I will kill him!"

Jungkook angrily ran out of the house.

Everyone was up and following him.

"Dude wait, we're coming too!" V yelled following closely behind him.

The rest of the guys got on their cars and followed behind a very angry Jungkook.

"We have to go!" Octavia yelled.

The girls were still on their dresses not even having time to get changed.

Everything happened so fast that they found themselves in the car, following closely behind the guys.

"I am sorry that you had to find out that way." Souline said after a while.

They were in silence ever since they got inside the car.

"I would have to find out about it someday. Thank you for showing me and not keeping it away from me." Octavia wiped her tears away and continued to drive.

Souline was at loss for words.

She didn't know what to say.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence until they got to Myung Dae's mansion.

The mansion seemed very cold for some reason.

It was already cold before but... you could sense that something was wrong.

Jungkook was the first one to get out of the car and run inside the mansion.

"Jungkook, wait up!" Jimin pulled out his gun.

The guys followed him inside and soon the girls came running in.


Jungkook's voice echoed inside the mansion.

Jungkook gestured for the guys to spread and look at where he is.

They checked every room on the first floor and then moved on to the second.

"Jungkook!" Jin yelled from a room.

Everyone followed his voice and ran inside.

There on the floor layed Bora who shot herself to the head, and next to her layed a body.

It's condition was beyond knowledgable.

"It's him!" Suga sighed.

"No..." Jungkook shook his head, "There is no way that asshole is dying just like this..."

He neared over to the body, covering his nose at its disgusting smell.

"Call the ambulance!" He yelled and Namjoon nodded.


"That asshole will not die you hear me. Do everything and save that son of a bitch!" Jungkook angrily yelled at the doctor.

"I will do the best I can!" The doctor nodded and went back to his work.

"Jungkook, please calm down!" Souline reached forward to grab his arm.

"No! I'm not going to be calm... That asshole.... he-" His hand was folded into a fist, he couldn't even finish his sentence.

He couldn't say it out loud...

He couldn't say that he raped his sister...

"And how did you learn about this?" He turned to Souline.

"How did you? Where did you take those videos from?" Jungkook asked walking forward, making Souline walk back.

"W-When I was at the house... during the party..." Souline gulped before continuing, "I found them in his office."

"Did you find anything else?"

"And a few envelopes, I didn't read through them but they all had Jisoo's name on it." Souline answered.

Finally, Beomgyu came over with clothes for Octavia and Souline, they will finally be able to get out of their uncomfortable dresses.

The girls decided to walk to a bathroom and change, only to bump into Haneul and Amber.

"What happened?" Haneul ran over.

"What happened to my mom?" Amber asked teary eyed.

"I'm sorry," Octavia shook her head, "She didn't make it!"

(End of chapter 46.)

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