Chapter 5

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Soul's POV

I was stunned...

I was frozen in place...

What just happened?

I got myself together and pushed him away.

"What do you think you're doing?" I yelled at him but the smirk on his face showed me he didn't mind it at all.

"Who... gave... you... the right to... kiss me?" I said as I hit him.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him, "You!" He answered with a smirk and I did the first thing that came to my mind to wipe that smirk of his face...

I slapped him.


The fear in my body was now back as I waited for his response.

He just stood there, shocked, and to be honest I was shocked too.

He turned around and was about to yell but the door opened, revealing one of the younger guys that were chasing after me when I escaped.

"Beomgyu, I told you to fucking knock! How many times do I have to tell you that?" He yelled, his voice echoing in the room, making both me and Beomgyu jump.

Jungkook got up and walked past Beomgyu, not giving me another glance.

Beomgyu stood there by the door, stunned at the whole scene.

"He is not mad at you." I told him after a while and he let out a sigh of relief as if I told him the greatest news ever.

"Why is he mad?" He asked walking over and I sighed.

"I slapped him!" I shrugged and his eyes widened.

"YOU SLAPPED HIM?!" He yelled and I nodded.

I was scared. So scared.

He is definitely going to kill me now.

I won't be able to see light again.

"No one has ever slapped him ever sinc-" he stopped mid sentence.

"Ever since what?" I asked looking up at him.

"Nothing! Nothing!" He said hurriedly and ran out of the door.

I had no energy to get up and chase after him. I'm sure he will come back again.

I looked down at the tray of food and gulped.

I was so hungry.

My eyes shifted to the grapes and I glared as I remembered the scene a few moments ago.

How dare he?

Who gave him the right to do that?

My first kiss....

I'm pissed beyond words.

And I was scared beyond words too.

I think I made a very huge mistake.

"What do I do?" I asked myself.

I was now staring at the moon that was shining so brightly.

The curtains were open and I could see the moon perfectly.

"Tell me, moon, what do I do? How do I escape from here?" I asked, my eyes getting teary.

Why was my fate written this way?

I would never escape because I never had anyone.

No one will know I am missing, no one will know how to find me.

No one will miss me...

Because I have no one...

For the past few hours, I feel like all I have done was cry and cry and cry. But I can't help it.

If this was supposed to be my life right now, I don't want it.

This is not life.

This is prison.

And I wanted to die.

I got up and walked outside to the balcony.

"What if I jump?"

(End of chapter 5.)

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