Chapter 47

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Third Person's POV

After telling them the news, the girls went to get changed.

The walked back out of the bathroom with new clothes on.

"Oh, I forgot!" Souline said and ran away from Octavia.

She remembered that she had to give Bora's letter to Haneul.

She didn't tell anyone else that, because she felt that the letter is for Haneul, whatever he did to her, she still had to bring into life, his mother's dying wish.

"Haneul." Souline called out as she turned the corner.

He was sitting down with his sister infront of the morgue, unable to get inside.

"What is it?" He lazily walked over.

He was done and tired with everyone.

He hated his mother for how she hurt Jisoo but...

He didn't know the truth.

"I have to give you this," She handed him the letter, "It's from your mom."

"From my mom? Where did you get this?" He asked angrily, taking the letter from her.

"During the party. She asked me to give this to you. At that point I didn't know why but now..." She sighed.

"My condolences." She said and with that she turned away, going back to Jungkook's side.

Haneul watched her leave and then opened the letter, it read the following;

"Dear Haneul,

By the time you get this letter I will be long gone.
Don't be sad as mother is now safe and free.
You were right. I am stupid well was stupid for staying by your father's side after everything he did, but I had to.

I had to do everything for you.

I'm sorry that I made you hate me. I'm sorry for not being able to tell you that face to face.

You are my only son, my everything in this world.
To protect you, is why I'm doing this.

Together with me, I will take away your biggest enemy, your father.

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry that I was not able to tell you this sooner but, if you want to find out the truth, go to Souline, she will tell you.

But also, go to this adress;

(Rehabilitarion Centre in Switzerland)

I love you my son.
Please forgive me."

He was confused.

He was shocked.

How should she just leave him like that?

What would Souline tell him?

What truth?

He was utterly confused.

His legs carried him where he saw Souline turn to.

"Souline!" His voice called out.

He didn't want to see her but he had to.

She had the missing pieces that he didn't.

She knew something that he didn't.

"Haneul?" She turned around.

"What truth will you tell me?" He asked and she confusedly looked at him.

"My mother said you would tell me something. What is it?" He handed her the letter and she read through it.

Gulping, she looked up at him,
"I can't tell you this... I have to show you."

She pulled out the flash drive that she had asked Beomgyu to bring here along with her clothes.

She put the flash drive on the phone and played the video.

She watched as his eyes widened and he shook his head.

He teared up.

His world came crashing down.

"What is that asshole doing here?" Jungkook yelled.

He grabbed Haneul by the collar and pinned him against the wall.

"What are you doing here? Huh?"

He couldn't even hear Jungkook.

All he heard was Jisoo's screaming voice.

All he heard was the times Jisoo needed him and he was not there.

All he could think of was how he wasn't able to protect her.

(End of chapter 47.)

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