Chapter 7

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Souline's POV

"What if I jumped?" I asked myself.

What if I really did it?

Would all this nightmare end?

Would I then be home?

Home?... huh...

That's a funny word to me.

I have never had a home, or a place to call home.

You know how in books and movies they say to their significant other how they now feel like being home, the moment they hug?

That's what I want to experience, once, before I die.

But... that's just in movies and books right?

I was born like this.


Without no one.

They told me the story at the orphanage, how nobody wanted me.

I got beat up, and when there came parents to adopt us, they wouldn't even look at me.

I don't blame them though.

I wouldn't want me either.

I wouldn't.

Can't I...

For once in my life, God, only once.

Just once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me...

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a phone ringing.

I am pretty sure I heard a phone ringing.

I turned around and ran back into the room, but was met with complete darkness.

Took me a few seconds to adjust to the darkness and I walked to the door.

What if someone was here and forgot to close the door?

I reached over and turned the door knob.


What is this?

I want to go out but I am overthinking?

What if they left the door open for me to leave and then kill me?

I mean I wouldn't mind, since it would be better than escaping that jail of a room.

It was pretty but too dark for me.

I'm more in to bright colors.

Okay Souline, forget the damn colors and focus on running away.

I slowly opened the door and looked outside, to see if anyone was in the hallway.

No one.

I tippy toed down the hallway and when I heard someone coming up the stairs I opened the room closest to me.

I closed the door behind me, just in time to not get caught.

As I was taking a moment to breathe, I decided to take a look on this room.

It was a very dark room, I don't mean that no lights were on, but in the dark meaning of dark.

Dark shades, everything.

Even with lights on, nothing changed.

The walls were painted in black, on the left side of the room stood a king sized bed with dark grey covers, nightstands beside it, a huge TV on the right side of the room.

Beside the tv on either side of it were doors, I believe one was for the bathroom and one for the closet.

What caught my attention in this whole room was the huge book cabinet on the left side of me, beside the bed.

I walked over and began looking at the books.

All the books I have wanted to read were here.

Is this a dream?

Who's room is this?

I grabbed one of the books and began flipping the pages, it was indeed the book I wanted to read.

I grabbed another one and another one until something fell down to the floor...

Before I could pick it up the door opened and I stayed there in place, not being able to move.

"What are you doing here?"

(End of chapter 7.)

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