Chapter 19

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Souline's POV

"Where are they going?" I asked Octavia who now came into the hallway.

"They are going to visit Jisoo, Jungkook's sister." She answered as we stared at them, getting inside the car.

I watched as Jungkook made sure Jongin was buckled before moving to the other side of the car.

"Today is the anniversary of her death." She sighed.

"What happened? Was it sickness or?" I asked and she shook her head.

"It was suicide." She answered teary eyed and my heart dropped.

"This is not my place to tell you but, you are now a great friend of mine and if you will be living in this house you should know." She said and I nodded for her to continue.

"She was 19 when she found Haneul..." I furrowed my brows "The Haneul that kidnapped me?" I asked and she nodded.

"They met when she was 19, he was 22. They started going out together and according to her, they fell in love." She walked me over to the living room and we both sat down.

"He was not who she thought he was." She trailed off as if thinking about the past.

"After only a few months dating, they decided to get married." She sighed.

"Everyone was against the marriage, everyone told her no, but she got married anyways."

"That was when it started..." She stopped.

"He started abusing her." She closed her eyes shut.

"He was possessive and overprotective of her..."

"He broke her fingers once just because she handed water to his friend and somehow their fingers touched."

My jaw dropped.

"Overall he was a freak. Jisoo realised that... but it was too late."

"He started threatening her..."

"He ended up raping her... which is how Jongin was concieved."

"Being pregnant didn't stop him from hurting her."

"He hurt her, beat her up so bad that she ended up giving birth earlier than her due date."

"That continue for a long time."

"It was one time, he almost killed Jongin."

"Jisoo explained how she heard him cry in the middle of the night and when she went to check on him, Haneul was about to strangle him."

"He then gave up and started beating her up."

"That was the last thing she endured before she decided to end it all."

"She left me a letter, she left a letter to everyone. There is one to Jongin too, explaining why she did what she did."

"It was her only way out, to escape him, and to ensure Jongin's safety."

"She gave her son to Jungkook, who just in time, made Jongin, under his name, as his own son."


After she told me the whole story... Octavia left.

This is so messed up.

I sat in bed just thinking about this whole situation.

I felt so bad for Jisoo...

And in another way I related to her.

I had thought about suicide before, I do think even now.

Unlike her, I have no one that would be sad over me.

I would just die and no one would know or even care about it.

As I was thinking I heard the engine roaring outside.

A few cars arrived.

I got up from my bed and walked out to the hallway to see Jungkook.

His eyes were teary, his bottom lip shaking as if he was about to cry.

"Jungkook." I called out to him softly.

He took long steps forward before putting his hands on my waist, pulling me onto a hug.

His face was next to my neck as he broke down.

"Please don't say anything, just... hold me."

(End of chapter 19.)

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