Chapter 41

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Third Person's POV


The party was going so slow, it was so boring for Souline.

She was standing there by the food table, when she heard a familiar voice.

"May I have this dance?"

Her heart dropped.

"Jungkook?" Her eyes widened.

She couldn't believe it.

"Miss, may I have this dance?" He repeated his question.

"Y-Yes!" She answered, taking his hand.

They walked together to the dance floor and started slow dancing.

"Jungkook..." She called out to him, looking at him weirdly.

"hmm?" He answered looking down at her.

Even with heels, he was still taller than her.

"Do you..." she trailed off.

"I remember Souline... and I am not the slightest pleased with your decision." He whispered yelled at me, while still looking emotionless so that other people don't notice.

"Jungkook... I had to." She whispered yelled back.

"Are you stupid Souline? We would figure it out together. Why didn't you talk to me?" He asked.

"After I saw you in bed like that... I decided to go. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of me." She teared up.

"I am sorry... I didn't mean to forget you or... forget... us..." He trailed off, "The moment I remembered everything I needed you in my arms. You are not just a person to me. You are my home."

She wanted to just take his hand and together walk out of this house, but out of the corner of her eyes she saw some movement that caught her eyes.

She watched one of her father's bodyguards walk near Octavia.

She was smiling at Souline when the guy "accidentally bumped" on Souline and after talking about some time he gestured for her to follow him.

"Jungkook, move!" Souline let go of Jungkook to follow after Octavia, pushing whoever was in the crowd of people.

"Octavia!" She yelled as soon as they were in the hallway.

"Souline!" She ran to her friend's arms.

"He's a bodyguard, be careful." Souline whispered and Octavia understood what she meant.

"How have you been?" She smiled pulling away from the hug to stare at Souline.

"I have been fine. How is everyone?" She asked back.

"I will leave you two alone." The guy said and walked away.

"Be careful!" Souline watched as the guy left.

"You are the one who should be careful. If we didn't get the invitation we would not know you are here. We thought something bad happened to you." Octavia said worriedly.

"Souline..." Octavia started softly, "Jongin has not been doing so good. Since the day you left he has been so sad. He skipped school for the past three days, and has been skipping his meals and stuff. He needs you."

Souline's heart dropped.

"My baby!!" Souline pouted.

She missed him so much.

There was not a minute that went by, that she didn't think about Jongin, or any of the other people living in that house. She had grown a strong bond with everyone.

"I will come... When I find something out, I will come." Souline nodded.

She looked at the clock and knew that her father would now be at the party.

It was time to search his office.

"What do you mean?" Octavia asked confusedly.

"I will come!" She grabbed her friend and put her inside the ballroom again, "Be careful and take care of everyone."

She ran down the hallway, taking her heels off mid way so that she wouldn't be heard.

She opened the door to the office and began searching around.

She searched everywhere.

While searching, she remembered in movies how they always find something behind paintings.

She walked over to this huge painting behind his desk and slowly took it off it's place.

There was a safe.

She tried to crack the code but to no use.

After trying every code she could think off she stopped to think for a moment.

She remembered her mother's birth date, 17th september, 1709.

She put in the code and to her surprise, it worked.

Inside of the safe, she found a flash drive and many envelopes, along with a lot of money.

What caught her eyes was Jisoo's name written on the envelopes.





(End of chapter 41.)

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