Chapter 49

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Third Person's POV

"Here you go." She opened the door and the two boys walked out of the building to the garden.

The garden was filled with beautiful flowers, a lot of people were outside enjoying the summer weather.

The nurses were sitting down along side the people and pointing at things, talking to them.

They looked around but didn't know what they were looking for.

"If we could just sit here for a little while. I will need you to sign a couple of things before we discharge our patient." The woman explained and before they could ask, she went back inside.

The boys just sat down there, waiting for her to come back.

They looked around from time to time and saw how people were happy to be outside and get some fresh air.

"What could we get you guys to drink?" A nurse walked over to where the two guys were sitting.

"I want some water." Haneul nodded and turned to Jungkook.

"I want some orange juice." He answered and the woman nodded.

"I will come back with your drinks." She smiled and walked inside to grab their drinks.

"Just what is going on?" Haneul finally asked.

"What patient was she talking about?" Jungkook asked back.

"Something suspicious is happening here. I am sure!" Haneul nodded.

Jungkook's phone started ringing and he pulled it out to see Souline's number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hello! Jungkook? Did you guys go to Switzerland?"

"Yes, we are here."

"Did you find something out?"

"Not yet. A woman knew we would come and she said something discharging a patient from the rehabilitation centre."

"Hmm... that's interesting. I will be at home taking care of Jongin, but... I also wanted to inform you that Myung Dae is okay... he is alive."

"Good. Because his death will be from my hands."

"Jungkook!" Souline sighed, "We'll talk when you get back home."

"I miss you." Jungkook sighed.

"I miss you too. Both me and Jongin miss you already."

"I will come back home, once I figure out what is happening here."

"Alright. Bye bye."


Jungkook hung up and put his phone back on his pocket.

"Wow..." Haneul sighed, "I didn't know you would be all lovey dovey one day."

"No one is being lovey dovey." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I miss you!" Haneul mocked Jungkook. "That is being lovey dovey."

"When you find someone who understands you and is there for you despite everything then, she deserves to be spoiled with love." Jungkook smiled as he thought of Souline.

"Must be nice..." Haneul said sadly, "I remember when I had Jisoo." His voice trailed off.

Jungkook took a deep breath and turned to him, "How come you didn't know?"

"Oh man, you don't know how hard it was... She was keeping things from me. I wish I knew earlier and we got out of that house earlier."

"I found her hanging there in the house that you had together with her. Why did you guys go back?"

"My mother faked her sickness. She wanted to have me close to her and he had Jisoo." Haneul closed his eyes in disgust.

How could his own father do this to him?

How could he take his one and only love away from him?

"I will make sure to kill him with my own hands." Jungkook sighed.

"And I will be there too."

"Okay, now I'm back." The receptionist walked over to the table they were sitting at with a few papers on her hands.

"I'm going to need you to sign here, and here and here." She pointed to three different letters and handed it to Haneul.

After he signed everything, the woman smiled.

"Now... we are ready to meet our patient."

They followed behind her further into the garden.

"Where is the patient?" Haneul asked annoyed.

"Over there." The woman pointed and the guys followed the direction.

"Wh-" Jungkook's eyes widened.

Haneul was just as shocked.

Just what....

Just what did they see?

"Could you bring me some water?" Someone asked one of the nurses.

That person seemed so familiar.

The voice was very very familiar.

They watched as she turned around, with a huge smile on her face.


(End of chapter 49.)

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