Chapter 14

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Jungkook's POV

"Jisoo!" I yelled upon entering the house.

She had called me and I came immediately.

When I heard my nephew crying, I ran up the stairs and opened the door to Jisoo's bedroom, where Jongin was crying.


My heart dropped.

My knees went weak.

On the ceiling of her bedroom, the lifeless body of my own sister was hanging.

"Jisoo." My heart broke.

Without taking my eyes off of her, I walked over to Jongin and took him on my arms.

Next to him was a letter.

"To my brother; Jungkook."

(End of flashback.)

Jungkook's POV

"He asked for what?" Jin angrily slammed his hand on the table.

I just told them about what Haneul wanted.

My nephew.

His son.

Jeon Jongin

And you may wonder why his last name is Jeon, but you will find that out later on.

"There is no way we are giving him, Jongin right?" Jimin asked and I shook my head.

"Over my dead body will he be able to get him." I sighed.

"We need to find a way that we can save Souline without having to give away Jongin." V said out loud and everyone began thinking of ways.

"Offer him money?" Jin asked shrugging.

"No! He clearly stated what he wants so money is not the deal here." V shook his head.

"How about blackmailing him? We have many ways we can put him on jail?" Jimin asked turning to me and I shook my head.

"No. He doesn't care about that. And besides, don't you know? His brother is the boss of the police deparment, and his cousin is a judge there. We won't be able to keep him in jail." I sighed angrily.

What way? what way?

How can we save Souline?

"How about his sister?" Octavia asked while fixing her nails.

I scrunched my nose at the nail polish smell that now had spread around the room.

"What about his sister?" J-Hope asked confused.

"Don't you all know?" She looked around the guys with a smirk, "She is crazy about Jungkook. Use her to get to Haneul." She sighed, touching up on her nails.

"Use her to find out Haneul's location?" Namjoon asked as I thought about it.

"Yes!" She nodded.

"And then?" Suga asked this time.

"And then you peace out of her life. It's not like this is something you haven't done before!" She looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"You used to date that stuck up bitch?" V turned to me and I groaned.

"She liked me! But I never liked her." I sighed.

"So nothing happened?" Namjoon pushed further.

"Nothing happened." I confirmed.

"Give her a call!" V said and I pulled out my phone.

"I can't believe I am doing this."


"Hello!" Her happy voice made me cringe but I tried not to show any emotion.

"Hey, Amber." I faked a smile.

Her name is Park So Byul, but she likes to go by her american name Amber, which suits her bitchy personality.

"I missed you Jungkookie." She said into the hug.

"Me too Amber." I lied through my teeth, about to throw up at the amount of perfume that she had on.

"So, how have you been?" She asked sitting down across from me.

"I should be the one asking you that. How has been America for you lately?" I tried go sound as polite as ever.

After talking to her for a while and eventually having to eat so that I avoid talking to her, just nodding to her stories, it was finally time to ask her about her brother, that son of a bitch.

"Have you seen Haneul lately?" I asked taking a bite of my food, "I haven't seen him in so long, I miss my brother." I lied.


It hurt to say that word for someone as disgusting as him.

"I talked to him before coming here," She started off but I interrupted, "Does he know you're here with me?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Oh no, no, no. I told him I am meeting up with Octavia." She said and I nodded. "Do you know where he is?" I asked and she nodded.

"He is home. The house he had with Jisoo."

(End of chapter 14.)

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