Chapter 65

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Third Person's POV

"Souline! We got some guests." Souline heard Jisoo yelling from down stairs.

Confused, as she was no expecting anyone, she exited the room and slowly walked down the stairs.

By the time she walked down, she was breathing heavily.

"I'm so goddamn heavy." She complained and fixed her dress before walking down the hallway.

As she neared the living room she noticed a very familiar woman sitting inside.

"Souline." Valerie's face formed into a smile.

"Valerie." Souline nodded walking inside.

She was not expecting her or the siblings at all.

"Jungkook told us about you being pregnant and rented us a house nearby to be close to you... that... if you want us to?" She sighed looking down at her hands.

"Yes, of course, I want you guys here." Souline smiled and pulled Valerie into a hug.

The women hugged before someone interrupted.

"I want to see my sister too, mom." Austin complained and pulled Souline into a hug.

He had grown so much in the past few months.

His voice had gotten deeper and he was taller than Souline.

"You're so little, but so big." He mocked Souline who smacked his stomach.

"Leave the pregnant lady alone." Serena pushed him away.

"Girls hugging time." Aria ran towards Souline and Serena who were already hugging.

"Hey there." She touched the stomach with her index finger.

"Is it dark in there? Are you scared?" She asked, putting her head near Souline's stomach.

"Is the baby scared?"

"No," She pulled away and looked up at Souline, "The baby's not scared. The baby said that I am not scared since I always have my mommy with me."

Souline smiled but she was sad.

Could that be what the baby is really feeling?

Could that be the way she felt safe when she was in her mom's womb?

Sadly, she made eye contact with Valerie who was already teary eyed.

"Do you want me to show you the room?" Souline asked and everyone nodded.

Most stuff that they will need for the baby will be in Jungkook and Souline's bedroom, but she will have some furniture in the nursery room which she prepared together with everyone.

"It was mostly my idea." Jongin smiled walking alongside Aria.


"Really? I wonder how it looks." Aria answered shyly.

Souline opened the door to the baby's room and everyone walked inside.

They were amazed at the room.

The color of the room was white, and it had neutral color for both Genders.

Souline and Jungkook decided to let the gender of the baby be a surprise.

They didn't buy any gender specified colored clothes, instead they bought neutral colors for both genders.

They bought furniture that they had in the baby's bedroom and their own, since the baby is basically going to sleep with Souline and Jungkook until it's a toddler.

"This is beautiful." Valerie said beside Souline.

"Thank you." She smiled back.

"Could we talk for a moment?" Valerie asked and as everyone was looking around, Souline followed after Valerie.

They walked outside to the garden and sat down on the chairs.

It was around 5 pm at the time, the sun was setting.

The weather was warm but it was a comfortable chilly wind, the air smelled like when you are at the beach.

"I brought you something." Valerie pulled something out of her bag.

"What is it?"

"These are the only baby pictures I have."

Valerie looked at Souline.

Souline reached over and took a look at the pictures.


"You were born early..." Valerie started, "I couldn't hold you for a whole month.

I just stood there behind the window, staring at you.

Oh how beautiful you were. So so little."

Souline smiled sadly.

"And then, they gave you on my arms. With those cute little hands of yours you held onto my finger... It was then when I knew... My daughter will never leave me."

"I never left... you were the one who did, mom..." her eyes widened...

"Mom..." She looked down at her hands as her eyes teared up, "How much I have wanted to say that word..."

"I know what I have done is not so easy to forgive... But I am begging you for a chance." Valerie reached over to hold Souline's hands.

"I am begging for a chance, so I can be close to you. I'm late yes. But better late then never."

"I want to be close to you and your baby... I want to have a chance to makeup for the mistake I made... I will never forgive myself for leaving you... But I had no chance."

"As you said, what you have done is not easy to forgive... But I am willing to try too... to forgive you..."

"I'm happy you are here, let's start with that Valerie."

Valerie nodded, tears rolling down her face.

"Thank you." She pulled Souline's hands and placed a kiss on them.

"My beautiful daughter."

(End of chapter 65.)

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