Chapter 32

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Third Person's POV




Jackson, Octavia and Namjoon yelled all at once after Souline told everyone the news.

She needed a comfortable outfit and she had nothing nice and comfortable in her closet.

She found the three of them sitting together and thought to ask them to follow with her, shopping.

"Will you guys follow me or not?" Souline asked.

She told them everything but they couldn't believe anything she said.

"Jungkook said that?" Octavia smiled.

"Yes... and I have a date so please can we go shopping?" She asked and Octavia nodded.

"Yes yes, let's go."


The girls went shopping as Jackson and Namjoon followed behind them.

"Free Food" they said.

Eventually Souline ended up paying for their food.

"I am so nervous." Souline said as she stared at her outfit infront of the mirror.

"What do you think will happen?" She asked Octavia who was on her phone, watching some makeup tutorials for the makeup she wanted to do on Souline.

"Octavia!" She called out again.

Octavia jumped up from Souline's bed and ran towards her.

"Sit down, sit down." She pushed Souline on the chair infront of the vanity and started working on her magic.

Octavia was a very great makeup artist.

She revealed she worked at the club for a while, doing makeup on the performers there.

She also said that the girls there prefered to be called performers, not strippers.

It was something that she agreed on.

"They're only there for money, no one wants their stupid husbands." She laughed.

She was telling the stories about how women came to the club and started fights with the performers saying stuff like they took their men or whatever.

"Souline! You look so beautiful." She smiled after she finished her makeup.

"It's 7. He is not here yet." She pouted sadly.


She heard yelling from downstairs.

She opened the door and ran down the stairs, Octavia following closely behind her.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN GUNSHOTS?! What... WHERE IS JUNGKOOK?!" Suga yelled at one guy who was dressed in a suit that was all moody and ripped.

"What? Jungkook?" Souline found herself ask.

"Where is he?" Octavia yelled.

"He is in the hospital!" The guy answered.

Souline's knees went weak.

She was so scared.

Scared that something happened to him.

"Is... is he okay?" She managed to ask.

"They said he will be okay, but..." He trailed off...

"But what?" Namjoon asked angrily.

"He might not be able to remember anything." The guy answered.

Souline's heart broke.

He probably wouldn't be able to remember her.

Knowing how unlucky she is, he probably would never remember even meeting her.

"But how did it happen? Where and when? We got no information about him going there today." Jin asked.

"It was after he got the request to meet up."

"With who?" It was V's turn to ask.

"With Souline's dad!" the guy answered looking at Souline.

She closed her eyes, trying to understand what really is happening, trying to understand if he said what she heard.

"My dad?" She asked.

Everyone was wide eyed, staring at each other.

"Yes!" The guy nodded.

"But how? My parents don't even know I am alive or where I am... I..." She trailed off.

"When I say your dad I don't mean the man in the U.S with your mother..."

Souline looked at him confusedly,

"I mean your real, biological father. "

(End of chapter 32.)

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