Chapter 16

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Souline's POV

Never in my life would I think I would be happy to see my kidnapper, Jungkook.

I was so happy to see him alive.

I was so happy he came here to save me.

"I got you." He whispered.

His hand was on the back of my head as my arms were wrapped around his waist.

He held me with one hand and the other one he had a gun.

"Jungkook." I called him as I felt my knees going weak.

I was so tired.

"Souline..." Was all I heard before I lost consciousness.


It feels like all I have been doing lately was faint.

But don't blame me.

I'm not a strong person.

I groaned in pain as I tried to open my eyes.

"Souline. Don't move." I heard Octavia's familiar voice say.

"Where am I?" I asked finally opening my eyes.

After I opened my eyes I got my answer immediately.

"I am back here." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. Aren't you happy?" Octavia said happily while sitting on the bed next to me.

"Where is Jungkook?" I asked turning to her.

"He is downstairs getting his wound treate-"

"Wound?" My jaw dropped.

"Did he get shot?" I asked worriedly and Octavia just nodded.

I got up fast from the bed, almost falling over.

"Careful!" Octavia said as I walked to the door.

I ran down the stairs and followed the voices that I heard.

A lot of guys.

I followed the voice and it lead me to a living room.

"And lik-" Jimin stopped mid sentence upon my arrival.

J-Hope sat on the couch next to a shirtless Jungkook who was staring at me wide-eyed.

Upon our eyes meeting, I turned around and cleared my throat.

"Souline?" Namjoon broke the silence.

"I... uh..." I trailed off.

I couldn't possibly be saying that I got here to see if Jungkook was okay.

"She's here to see if Jungkook is okay." Octavia said leaning against the door frame.

I have never wanted to punch someone more than now.

Octavia, imma kill you.

"I have to go. I have people I gotta treat." J-Hope excused himself and grabbed Octavia's elbow on the way, taking her with him.

"I'm coming too." V said followed by Suga and Jin.

"Yes, you might need help." Namjoon added, followed by Jimin.

They all left while I did my best not ti faint.

"You can turn around now." Jungkook said and I turned around.

He had a shirt now and to be honest, I was sad.

I needed more time to watch his bod-


"I... I'm sorry for just coming here like that." I apologized looking down at my hands.

"Were you worried about me?" He asked and I could feel him smirking.


"Yes... after all you risked your life for me." I said going back to playing with my hands.

It was a habit I had when I was really nervous.

"So... you were worried." He smirked and I sighed.

"I was worried. Yes!" I looked up at him.

Now noticing our closeness.

"I was worried about you too." He looked down at me.

I stared infront of me as I noticed his wound.

My hand reached over and before I could touch it, he grabbed my hand.

"I'm okay." He smiled to reassure me.

"You should smile more, it suits you."

(End of chapter 16.)

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