Chapter 11

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Souline's POV

It has been a week since the whole dog accident.

A whole week since I last saw Jungkook.

He said we would talk later but we never got the chance.

"Jungkook!" Someone called outside of the room.

My heart started racing, knowing he is home right now.

I got up from the bed and walked over to the door.

As soon as I opened it, I bumped into Jungkook who was about to get in.

Before I could fall on the floor, he placed his hands on my waist, holding me.


I placed my hands on his shoulder, keeping myself on my feet.

I can't believe this became like a cliche situation you get to see in movies.

Then again, my life has been like a movie ever since I came here.

"Are you okay?" He cleared his throat, now letting me go.

I nodded.

"You said we would talk. Where have you been?" I asked looking up at him.

"I was hurt and couldn't come out of the room to look for you." I crossed my arms against my chest.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting." He smiled a little.

Third Person's POV

"You're going home now. You should be happy." Jungkook walked inside the room, Souline following behind him.

She tried her best not to fall over as her leg was still bruised and it hurt like hell when she walked.

"I am happy I'm going home." She lied, "But why was I here in the first place?" She asked and he just stared out of the window, not daring to look at her.

What would he say?

Why was she here?

He couldn't possibly tell her the truth.

He took a deep breath.

"I am letting you go, that's all you need to know." He sighed.

"Look at me." She grabbed his arm turning him around.

Even she was shocked at the sudden courage she had, but she needed to know.


"Tell me why I came here? Tell me the reason. If you were going to just let me go afterwards why kidnap me in the first place?" She yelled.

She had a life.

She didn't know if that would be called life but she has that storage room, that was her "home".

She had a quiet and peaceful life, trying to get back onto her feet after the orphanage.

But that was taken away after she was kidnapped and brought here.

"Get ready, you are going home." He said and with that he left.

Souline tried to walk after him and make him stop but he was already out of the door.

What is happening here?

She thought.


Souline's POV

"I am going to miss you." Jimin hugged me.

I was at the front door, now leaving the house and saying goodbye to everyone.

The whole situation was weird but, I made friends during the time here and they took great care of me while I was sick.

"We are going to miss you more." Yeonjun and Beomgyu said hugging me at the same time.

"Take care of yourself. And if you need hope in life just think of me. Coz i'm your Hope." J-Hope said making me laugh.

"Girl, thank you for the book recommendations, if you need anything just call us here. I wrote down all of the numbers." Namjoon said handing me a book and a piece of paper with all of their numbers in it.

"I can't believe after all these years I finally got a girl friend in this house and she is leaving. I will be visiting you a lot." Octavia hugged me and I hugged back.

"Even though, this whole situation was weird, I am happy I got to meet you guys and become friends." I played with my hands, unable to look at them in the eyes. "I never had friends before so thank you for being my first friends." I said and they gave me a big group hug.

"Girl, our friendship story is going to be so badass. You became friends with your kidnappers." J-Hope laughed, "The story your children are going to love." Namjoon added in with a laugh.

I said goodbye to everyone and turned around to see Jungkook leaning on his car, watching us.

"Are you done?" He asked and I nodded.

I walked over to the car and got in.

He got in on the passenger seat.

"Goodbye!" I waved at everyone as Jungkook drove away.

(End of chapter 11.)

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