Chapter 54

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Third Person's POV

After so many days at the hospital, Myung Dae finally woke up.

His whole body was covered in burn wounds, scars everywhere.

Upon entering the hospital room, Jungkook glared at the man who even in that state he was, he was still smiling.

"W-well well well..." He said upon seeing Jungkook enter the room.

Jungkook walked over to the bed with the glare he had on.

"You survived asshole..." Jungkook spoke.

"Thank you for saving me, Mister Jungkook!" He laughed.

"Saving you?" Jungkook chuckled, "This is only the beginning of your hell... Trust me... You will wish you died!"

"Oh really, and what do you happen to do to me? As you can see hell has already burned me!" Myung Dae said with a smirk.

"Hmm... you see," Jungkook sighed, "There is someone who doesn't think you have burned enough."



Myung Dae's eyes shifted over to the door.

Jisoo stood there with a smile on her face.

It was not a happy smile...

More like sinister.

She was there in the hospital, to face him.

Her biggest fear.

All these years she has been waiting for this moment.

"J-Jisoo?" He stuttured wide eyed.

"It makes me happy seeing you like this." Jisoo said, completely entering the room and closing the door behind her.

"I knew you always liked our times together." He said with a stupid smirk, making Jungkook's blood boil.

"Ughhh!!" He groaned, running over to the bed where Myung Dae was laying.

"Jungkook, no." Jisoo stopped him.

Myung Dae was not worth Jungkook's time.

What has happened, has happened.

We can't bring back the past, nor can we change it.

There is no great punishment that would be enough for Myung Dae.

The horrible stuff he has done to Bora, Jisoo, his own children, and... his one and only love... Souline's mom.

He had loved her so much... or so he believed.

He didn't know love.

He only knew to own stuff.

He thought that Souline's mom belonged to him.

He was her owner.

Luckily she was smart enough to escape in time.

She fled to America, changed her name and started a new life.

A new life without Souline.

She couldn't start a new life with her.

But at least she did her last deed as her mom and saved her from Myung Dae.

That horrible man.


A sociopath.

Jisoo was scared of him... but she knew now that, his road has come to an end.

He lost everything.

But he will not die.

He will live everyday, in the same hell he put everyone else in.

Suddenly, a couple of nurses came inside the room.

Alarmed, Myung Dae looked back and forth between all of them.

"What is going on?" He spat, trying to sound angry... but all everyone could sense was his fear.

That made Jisoo smile.

"You..." she pointed at him, "are going to a very... very... very beautiful place."


"Do you want to guess?" She smirked walking back and forth inside the room.

"What do you think you're doing?" He yelled as the nurses started nearing him.

"They are just taking you to where you deserve to be."


"You are going to hell!"

And with that, he was sent far away in an island that was made specifially for mentally unstable and criminal people.

It was an island that had no escape.

You can go in, but you can never come out.

With a satisfied smile on her face, Jisoo waved goodbye all of her fears.

(End of chapter 54.)

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