Chapter 22

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Souline's POV

"Octavia!" I groaned.

She has been pulling on my arm for the past 5 hours, running around different stores, trying to find the perfect gown for the ball.

"Wait!" She stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"What now?" I groaned again.

My feet have been killing me.

The shoes that I had on were not comfortable at all.

"I can ask my friend to make a special gown for you?" She looked at me wide eyed before pulling out her phone.

"Really?" I glared at her, "You torture me for 5 FUCKING HOURS and NOW you come up with that idea?" I slapped her arm.

"Ow, but trust me." She said putting her phone to her ear, dialing someone.

"AAAAH!! Jackson!" She yelled onto the phone.

I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths trying to keep myself calm.

"I AM NOT! Okay, so... I called you because I have a task for you....


I have a friend here that needs help with a gown for the year's ball....

YES, yes, can you come over today?...


I'll see you soon then, i'm going home right now...

Okay, bye bye."

She finished her phone call and managed to drag me again back to the car.


"You survived?" Namjoon asked walking out of the living room, bag of chips on his hands.

"Unfortunately." I sighed talking off my shoes.

"Where were you?" Jungkook walked out to the hallway.

"I took her shopping." Octavia rolled her eyes.

"Why did you leave without the bodyguards? What if something happened to you?" He asked both of us.

I looked at Octavia.

"Boy, you know how badass I am. Nothing is happening to either of us. I can assure you that." She smirked.

A sudden knock on the door made us all turn our heads.

"I got this." Namjoon walked over to the door.

"BESTIE!" someone yelled.

"BESTIE!!!!" Namjoon yelled back.

Suddenly he got into a hug with someone.

"I missed you man. How have you been?" The guy asked walking in.

"I been good man. How was the U.S? You been away for quite a while now." Namjoon walked behind him, closing the door.

"You know, the usual," He winked at Namjoon, "Work, work, work."

"Mmmhmmm." Namjoon looked at him suspiciously.

"Yes and..." The guy trailed off once our eyes met, "Is this the beauty imma be working on?" He walked over, taking my hand in his, placing a kiss on top of it.

"The name is Jackson. Jackson Wang." He smiled, "What is your name?"

"Souline." I answered taking my hand back.

"Hands off Jackson!" Jungkook growled from behind me.

"You know I cannot do that." He sighed, "I am here to do my job and that means imma have to take meassurments and... yeah..." He trailed off after meeting eyes with a not so pleased Jungkook.

"Now," Jackson clapped his hands, "Where and how do we get started? I need details, I need your own ideas that you might have..." He looked back and forth between me and Octavia.

"Octavia should be the one to inform you everything. I don't know anything." I shook my head.

"Hmm... Well...."

(End of chapter 22.)

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