Chapter 29

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Third Person's POV

"Oh my god!" Souline yelled before running to a super angry Jungkook.

While Jongin and Yeonjun were laughing in the background, she ran up to him.

"Who did this?" Jungkook yelled.

"I did... I'm sorry." She shrugged, looking up at him.

He put down the cup of coffee and sighed.

"This is too hot!" He suddenly started on putting the shirt away from his body.

All over it was covered in coffee.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She said worriedly, trying to help him take it off.

He suddenly grabbed her hands and she finally looked up at him.

"If you want me to get naked... here is not the place." Jungkook smirked.

Flustered, she pulled her hands away from him.

"Stupid!" She slapped his arm and turned around to walk away from him.

"You should apologize you know that right?" He smirked.

"You're right," she turned around, "I am sorry for not hitting that ball hard enough."

The smirk on his face vanished as Jongin and Yeonjun started laughing.

"Oooooh, she killed you there." Jongin teased.

"Fireeee!" Yeonjun yelled.

"Shut up!" Jungkook angrily threw the ball towards Yeonjun.

"Here is ice cream!" Soobin ran over.

"What are you all laughing at? JUNGKOOK! What happened to you?" He asked after seeing everyone laugh.

"Souline did it!" Yeonjun pointed at Souline.

She just shrugged as Jungkook rolled his eyes.

He entered the house and the rest of them decided to dive in on their ice creams.

It was such a beautiful day.


"I am so tired." Jongin whined, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, it's bed time." Souline looked at Jongin.

"Good night!" He hugged Souline before going to bed.

"Have sweet dreams!" She waved at him.

"So... did you talk to Jungkook about the kiss?" Octavia turned to Souline.

"No... there is nothing to talk about... it just happened!" She shrugged.

"Don't lie. You are wondering too." Octavia looked at Souline with knowing eyes.

"Just don't talk about it. What happened, happened." Souline sighed.

It was true.

She was wondering too.

Wondering why he did it?

Why he kissed her?

And the answer for those questions was at Jungkook.

He was still confused about it.

Even though they talked during the day, he knew they needed to talk about the kiss.

Just the two of them.


Shifting in bed, side to side, Jongin was having a bad dream.

It was his mother.

She left him.

He ran after her but he was too slow to keep up with her.

"Mom!" He cried after her, but at a long distance, she was gone.

He jumped up in bed, covered in tears.

"Mom!" He cried.

Feeling scared, sad and lonely, he got up from his bed and walked out of the bedroom.

He walked down the hallway to where his uncle's room was located.


When he came infront of Souline's door, he changed his mind.

He did not need his uncle at the moment.

He needed a mother-like figure to help him sleep.

He knocked softly on the door before opening it.

"Jongin?" Souline sleepily asked.

Jongin walked over to her bed with teary eyes.

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked her.

"Yes, come here!" She moved a little so there was enough space for Jongin.

He went to bed, snuggling closer to Souline's arms.

"Did you have a bad dream?" She asked and he just nodded.

She realized he didn't want to talk about it so she let it go.

Wrapping her arms tighter around him, the two of them drifted off to sleep.


Jungkook was ready to talk to Souline about the kiss.

"It meant nothing" He was going to say.


When he walked to her room and opened the door, seeing her and Jongin there, he changed his mind.

He found himself walking over to the bed where the two were sleeping in.

He sat down beside Jongin who was snuggled up with Souline.

He leaned down slowly to place a kiss on his cheek.

Upon doing that he looked slightly up at the sleeping Souline.

He didn't know where...


and when...

But he just knew...

deep in his heart.

She was all he had ever wanted.

(End of chapter 29.)

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