Chapter 35

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Third Person's POV

"Will you stop badmouthing me, Tae Sun?"

A voice asked behind Souline.

She turned her head around and a man stood there by the door with a smile on his face.

There was something wrong about that smile.

It was dark.

Almost sinister.

"What are you doing here?" Tae Sun asked with a glare.

"I came to visit an old friend, can't I do that?" He asked walking over to where the two of them were standing.

"We are not friends, Myung Dae." Tae Sun shook his headx "I want you to leave my store, right now!" He said angrily.

"Tae Sun... you have always been like this... When I told you to join me you declined and became a what... a florist." Myung Dae laughed.

His eyes turned over to Souline.

"And you... I have been looking for you."

She gulped.

She wanted to meet him and face him...

But she was scared.

Now that she stood infront of him, she was scared.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Let's start off like that.

"The name is Myung Dae... I am your father."

She almost laughed at the whole Star Wars thing, 'i Am YoUr FaThEr".

Stop Souline, focus.

"I don't know you." She tried to walk past him.

He grabbed her arm.

"Let her go." Tae Sun stepped in between.

"This is a family matter, stay out of it." Myung Dae growled.

"Let her go. You are hurting her!" Tae Sun said again as Souline winced in pain.

He let go immediately, his face filled with concern.

"I apologize." He told Souline who was gripping on her arm.

"I want you to come with me." He looked at Souline.

She remembered that he is a bad man.


She also remembered the reason she was here.


He may not remember her.

But she was willing to risk her life for him.

So that he doesn't hurt him...

Or anyone inside that house.

"I will come... if you stop hurting people around me." Souline stared up at him.

"No problem." He smiled that sinister smile again.

They got out of the store and got inside the car.

It was silence.

Awkward silence as they both sat in the back seat.

"I have been waiting for this moment ever since I found out about you." He broke the silence.

Found out about me?

He didn't know?

"You didn't know?" She asked turning to him.

"I didn't... Your mother kept you away from me." He sighed, "I searched all over the U.S to find a clue that would bring me closer to you."

"You found me... Why didn't you come?" She asked.

"I didn't come... My men came. They took you here and you was on your way to me, when that idiot Jungkook, took you away from me." He angrily glared at the seat infront of him.

Wait a minute...

Now the puzzle is complete.

Back in the U.S I got kidnapped by my father.


On my way to my father, Jungkook saved me.

It explains why he didn't answer when I asked him why I was here.

Jungkook wasn't the one who trafficked me to Korea...

It was my father!!

(End of chapter 35.)

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