Chapter 9

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Souline's POV



This will be a slow death I believe.

I ran and ran and ran.

The dogs were obviously faster.

While looking back at them I tripped and due to the speed I had, I hit the ground too hard for me to be awake...

This... is how I die.

Goodbye world... It wasn't so nice seeing you...

Hope I don't see you again either.

The dogs neared closer as I slipped into darkness...

Sleeping, never had felt so good.


Jungkook's POV

The dogs howling and growling outside took my attention.

Who dared to come here?

I let go of this piece of shit I was punching, and followed the sounds.

I walked to the kitchen to see the door was open.

The dogs tend to do something like that when they're about to be fed by someone they don't know...

I should probably change the workers.

I was about to go back to beat up that punching bag of a human but the door opened again and one of the dogs came in.

I turned around to see Yong.

He ran over to me and started pulling me by my clothes with his huge sharp teeth.

"What is it buddy?" I asked as he tried to move me of my place.

"You want me to follow you?" I asked and he just kept on pulling on my clothes... that means yes.

I followed Yong outside and the rest of the dogs were howling about a hundred meters away.

It looks like they were surrounding something.

I started running and when I made it to the spot, my heart dropped.


What was she doing outside?

She tried to leave again?

I scrunched my face in pain as I stared at her.

She was so hurt.

I sighed angrily as I picked her up.

Why would you try something so stupid Souline?

Why can't you see I'm trying to help you?

I had her in my arms as I walked back to the house.

She was badly injured so blood was dripping all over the floor from her wounds.

She hurt her head pretty bad, which is where the blood was coming from.

Her hands looked pretty bad too, and her knees too.

Poor thing...

"Jungkoo- AAHH!! What happened?" Namjoon was about to walk inside the kitchen as we were walking out.

"She tried to run away but the dogs chased and she fell down." I explained as I walked past him.

"I'm calling J-Hope!" He said and I just nodded.

J-Hope is a doctor and last time it was his friend that came over to check Souline.

Let me tell you about how we were formed, the Bulletproof Boyscouts, mostly known as the BTS gang.

After my father's death I was forced to take over the gang and lead people, do the same as my dad did, continue his legacy.

I hated the idea of taking over because my dad was a drug addict, he was an abuser, I hated being like him.

Which is why, instead of continuing his legacy, I started mine.

I don't do drugs or even force women to do anything for me.

The women at the strip club? They are there willingly.

The man I beat up earlier?
He raped his step-daughter.

When I found out that she killed herself afterwards I was going crazy. I snapped.

Because I remembered...

the past...

(End of chapter 9.)

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