Chapter 53

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Third Person's POV

"No!" Jisoo shook her head, "Mommy and daddy will never leave you again."

"No. We won't leave you again."

"I love you!" He hugged them.

Jungkook watched from afar.

He was so happy that Jongin now had both of his parents with him.

"Somebody wake up those two." Jungkook turned to his friends.

Namjoon and J-Hope had both fainted and were still on the floor.

Everyone was too shocked to do anything.

"How...?" Souline stared at Jisoo.

Souline was confused.

She remembered Octavia telling what had happened, same with Jungkook.

She thought she died so how come she is alive?

"You must be Souline," Jisoo walked over to where Souline and Jungkook were standing, "Y-Yes." Souline shakily reached forward her hand to Jisoo and they shook hands.

"I am Jisoo... It's shocking but I am alive." She sighed and turned to Octavia.

She still stood there, completely shocked.

She was tearing up.

"Ho-How did y-you not t-tell us?" She stuttured backing away from Jisoo.

She felt confused and hurt.

Her very best friend stood infront of her but she was so sad.

All this time she had spend missing her best friend, wishing she was there with them every moment they got any good news.

She... She even tried to kill herself once because Jisoo was her only family.

She had the guys but that was her soulmate, her everything.

She couldn't imagine life without her.

And now... she was standing infront of her.

"Octavia..." Jisoo called softly.

"H-How is this possible?" Her knees went weak, she fell to the ground.

Jisoo ran over to her side.

"Is this real?" Octavia asked, touching Jisoo's hand that she had reached forward.

"Yes! Yes! I'm real. I'm here!" She nodded teary eyed.

"B-But how?" Octavia asked.

"I didn't die. I was alive but I wasn't in the right state of mind. I had been on rehab ever since." Jisoo explained.

Octavia was so confused.

She was still in shock and didn't know what to believe but... she slowly reached forward and hugged her best friend for the first time in almost 5 years.

"Oh, Jisoo!" Octavia sobbed.

They sat there hugging and hugging as Octavia and Jisoo both cried.

"We have so much catching up to do!" Octavia chuckled as she pulled away from the hug.

"Definitely!" Jisoo nodded with a smile.

As soon as she got up on her feet she was attacked by hugs from the guys.

"You... How could you not tell us?" Suga hugged her tightly.

He was not one to show his feelings so often but he had missed Jisoo so much. She was his little sister.

"I will tell you guys everything!" Jisoo sighed.

They all moved to the living room where Namjoon and J-Hope were laying in.

They were still not awake.

"Get some water!" Jungkook sighed.

"Here you go!" Jin handed him a glass of water and Jungkook splashed both of them with it.

"Oh my god!" Namjoon yelled waking up, "I can't swim!"

"Oh no! The shark!!!" J-Hope yelled.

The rest were laughing at the two of them just yelling random things as they woke up.

"It's not funny!" Namjoon glared and then his eyes widened when he stared at Jisoo.

"Hi, Namjoon!" Jisoo awkwardly waved at him.

"Oh ma-" He was about to faint again when Jimin slapped him.

"Stay awake, fool!" He rolled his eyes.

"How is this possible?" Namjoon asked, holding his hand on his cheek that Jimin had just slapped him on.

"I'll explain everything!" Jisoo said and with that they all sat down as she told them what had happened.

How she didn't really die, how Bora saved her and sent her out of the country for her to heal and go to rehab. Everything about what happened there at rehad.

"Wow..." Suga sighed.

"I am so happy you are alive!" Jin smiled.

Everyone was happy for Jisoo's arrival.

There was someone who wasn't even ready to hear about her survival...

Someone going by the name of...

Myung Dae.

(End of chapter 53.)

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