Chapter 55

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Third Person's POV

"Family dinner?" Octavia asked confusedly.

Jungkook just announced that they will be throwing a dinner party, only close family members.

Isn't eating dinner everyday something they do as a family?

Should it be a specific day?

Everyone was confused.

"This dinner is something we should have done a long time ago." Jungkook sighed.

"Souline," He turned to her, "joined our family. She joined in on our sadness, and pain, and fear, and... happiness. If that doesn't make her a family member, I don't know what does."

"Also," he continued, "Jisoo is back... same with Haneul. Another little family within our big family tree."

"I want to celebrate this with everyone. All of us together."

Souline felt awkward.

They were friends.

All of them.

But... she has never had a family.

She had always wanted to belong somewhere, be someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's niece or cousin.

Here, as much as they loved her, she felt out of place.

"Are you okay?" Jisoo leaned over to ask Souline who was deep in thought.

"I am so happy my mom is back!" Jongin laughed about something with Jimin.

Her eyes shifted over to Jongin and she... she envied a little boy for now having his mother back.

How she'd wish to have her mother...

or have a better father.

God knows what her life would have been like now.

She has spent years and years trying to come up with ideas of her family.

One time she would imagine both her parents and two little siblings.

Another time she would imagine a hard working father that took care of her and didn't remarry after her mother's death.

Another time she imagined a single mother, taking care of her children after her husband cheated and left her.

She would imagine so many things.

But never... would she imagine her father being a drug dealer, a sex trafficker.

This was beyond her imagination.


As she knew who her father now was, she wanted to meet her mother.

But she was afraid.

She has found her mother before, but she couldn't reach out to her.

What is she doesn't want to meet Souline?

What if she's scared to meet her?

Will she remind her of her past?

There were so many questions that Souline had on her mind.

"I-I'm okay."

She answered but it was a lie.

She wasn't okay.

She was a mess.

It felt like it was too much...

She couldn't breathe.

Excusing herself from the living room, she walked out to the garden.

"Souline," Jungkook called out softly, "Are you okay?"

"I don't understand why people keep asking me that, I am okay." She sighed.

She sounded irritated.

"Did I say something to hurt you?"

She shook her head.

"No, Jungkook... it's just..."

"Hmm?" He walked over.

It was night time, super chilly outside.

To keep them warm, Jungkook placed his arms around Souline's body, back hugging her.

"I wish we had met in different circumstances..." she started, "I would want to have great parents..."

"I am so ashamed." She shook her head.

She couldn't believe her biological father was a man like that.

"Hey, hey, hey," He turned her around so that they were facing each other, "Whatever has happened, it isn't your fault. Stop blaming everything on yourself."

"You don't have to take someone's blame. You are an amazing person, Souline."

"It's just our fate... It was meant to be written this way."

"But, it ends now."

Souline looked up at him.

"We have faced our past, and we will move on forward."

"From today on, we will write our future, together."

Jungkook grabbed her hands on his.

"There is no future for me, if not with you."

(End of chapter 55.)

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