Chapter - 33

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Third Person's POV

"Jungkook!" Souline yelled as soon as she ran inside the hospital.

She ran over to the reception area and asked for Jungkook's room.

"He is on room B 309." The receptionist said while Souline just stood there not understanding what she said.

"B 309?" She asked confusedly.

"Third floor, the hallway on the left." The receptionist answered and Souline ran over to the elevator.

"Calm down. He's going to be okay." Namjoon said.

Even he was unsure if he was trying to convice her or himself.

He was worried to death.

Jungkook may be a boss but still he is their youngest.

Namjoon watched at how worried Souline was about Jungkook.

She ran out of the elevator, reading numbers on every door she passed until she found the room where Jungkook was in.

"Jungkook!" She called out as soon as she opened the door.

He laid there, awake, staring at the tv.

"Yes?" He asked turning to her.

There was no emotion whatsoever in his eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked confusedly.

He didn't know who she was.

How did she know him?

"Jungkook, it's me Souline." She said almost crying.

She felt so sad that he forgot her.

It was like experiencing all the heartbreak she felt back when she was an orphan.

Without nobody to depend on.

It was only Jungkook who could best understand her, and now he doesn't remember her.

"Namjoon!" He called out to his friend, "Why are you letting random people come in here? I don't know this person." He pointed to Souline.

"Jungkook, please. Don't do this to me." She cried. "Don't tell me you forgot about me."

"What am I doing?" He almost laughed at how ridiculos this whole situation was for him.

"I don't know you." He said before turning to Namjoon, "Get her out of here." He said angrily.

Namjoon walked over to Souline and slowly lead her outside of the room.

"Come on." He said softly.

He walked her outside and she sat down in one of the chairs.

"Why am I so unlucky?" She asked looking up at him.

"Why am I so unlucky in this life..." She cried.

"Shhhh..." Namjoon sat down next to her and hugged her.

"What happened?" Octavia came running.

"He doesn't remember." Namjoon announced and Octavia looked over at Souline, with pain in her eyes.

"I knew from the beginning. I was happy... Too happy."

Her heart broke.

"Souline." Octavia called out softly.

She sat down beside her, now best friend and hugged her.

"Why does pain always have a way to find me?" She asked after a while.

Both Octavia and Namjoon held her a little tighter.

"You are not alone. You got us." Octavia hugged her.

"Thank you guys... I think it's best that I leave." she wipped her tears away.

"What?" Octavia pulled away to stare at her.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked, doing the same.

"Guys, it was about time for me to leave. Haneul is now in your hands, I am free to go." She got up from the chair.

"What about Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.

"What about him?" Souline asked sadly, "He doesn't want me here so even if I leave he won't remember me. He won't be sad and think of me as if I left him." She sighed.

"Souline, please, look. Go home and rest okay? We will figure it out later." Octavia tried to convince her friend.

"Okay." She agreed.

But she decided to leave.

Instead of causing pain to Jungkook.

She had a new mission.

And that was finding out who her father was.

She decided to find him and keep him as far away from Jungkook as possible.

It was her way to protect him.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook."

(End of chapter 33.)

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