Chapter 56

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Third Person's POV

After everyone showed their support to Souline, to have her meet her birth mother, Souline found herself infront of her mother's house.

Beside her stood Jungkook.

"You ready?" Jungkook asked.

"Not, really!" She shook her head, but still reached forward to knock on the door.

"Coming!" She heard a voice coming from the inside.

The door opened to reveal a very beautiful little girl.

"Hello?" She smiled.

"Aria, I told you not to open the door if i'm not near yo-" A woman's voice was heard and soon she walked out of the kitchen.

She had an apron on and her eyes widened upon seeing Souline.

She did know that the Souline and Jungkook were coming, which is why she was in the kitchen preparing dinner for them.

"Oh, you guys are here." She smiled kindly, "Come on in." She gestured for them to come inside the house.

They said their hellos and walked inside to the living room.

They sat down and as the woman left to grab some drinks for the guests, Souline and Jungkook had a moment to talk.

"I'm here." He grabbed her hand.

"Thank you." She gave his hand a little squeeze.

"I knew you guys were coming, I didn't know you would get here so fast." The woman placed drinks infront of them.

"My name is Valerie, I'm sure you know but I thought I'd still say it." She shrugged.

"And I am Aria!" The little girl smiled while holding up her little doll.

"I'm Jungkook." He smiled back.

"And I'm Souline." She waved awkwardly.

"Does that mean that you are my sister Souline?" Aria asked.

"Aria, honey," Valerie grabbed her hands so she would look at her, "How about you guys talk later? Mommy needs to talk with Souline and Jungkook now."

"Okay, mommy, but don't take long. I want to get to know them." And with that the 6 year old waved goodbye to them and went to her room.

"Souline." Valerie's voice made Souline snap out of her thoughts. "I want to thank you for coming."

"I have been waiting for this moment my whole life... but now I don't even know what to say." Souline said truthfully.

"I know... But I will do the talking if you want me to. I want to explain everything from the beginning so that you know why I made the decisions I made." Valerie looked at Souline for permission and she nodded.

"I was an exchange student in Korea when I met Myung Dae. I heard that you guys met him already."

"Back then, he was such a nice man. You have no idea. I loved him so much."

"But something happened... something changed him."

"He turned into a completely different person."

"He st.... He started abusing me. Calling me names, hurting me both emotionally and physically."

"I was already having a difficult time at school, being an exchange student in a whole different country. The amount of pressure and stress I felt was unbearable."

"I got some help and flew back to America. Changed my name and location. After I got here I realized I was pregnant."

"Why did you leave me if you changed your name and location? Myung Dae wouldn't be able to find you then." Souline asked for the first time.

"He wouldn't find me... His dad would. I made that decision because it was the best I could do for you."

"Leaving me all alone was not the best for me. I was just a child. I needed your protection and love to get me through life." Souline teared up.

Valerie stood silent.

Her heart broke.

She didn't want to leave Souline, but it was the only thing she could do.

It was the only way to protect her from Myung Dae and his family.

"Do you know?..." Souline cleared her throat, "Do you know how many times I have needed you?"

"Do you know that I called after you when I was pushed to the ground? I needed you to be there and pick me up. Wipe away the dust and tell me I will be okay."

"I'm sorry." Valerie cried.

"But as a young mother back then I believe I made the best choice."

"He found me, Soul, he found me. He had found out about you and was going to kill you, thinking you are someone else's daughter."

"Why would he think that?"

"The day I left you at the orphanage, I met my husband I have now. He has been by my side ever since. He has pressured me to come and take you from there."

"He wanted to raise you as his own daughter."

"Why did you say no?"

"Because..." She took a deep breath, "I spend two years in prison after killing Myung Dae."


What does she mean?

"What do you mean? Myung Dae is alive?" Jungkook asked confusedly.

"The man you have met is not Myung Dae. That was his twin brother."

(End of chapter 56.)

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