Chapter 27

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Third Person's POV

Neither of them were past the whole "Love" word, but they tried to keep it to themselves.

Souline and Jungkook both were teased the day after the party, because "they spent the night together".

"We didn't do anything." Souline sighed.

"As if I believe that." Octavia and Jimin laughed.

"I even think I heard something?" V teased.

"Probably me crying." Souline rolled her eyes.

"It hurt that much?" Octavia asked wide eyed.

"Shut up! No! I cried because of how scared I was... you know? Haneul!" she pouted.

She was scared.

Even now.

Her body was always tense.

Afraid of what will happen next?

Haneul is now here.

Will she leave?

Will she stay?

Just what will happen?

She was nervous.

She didn't want to leave this place.

But how could she tell Jungkook?

How could she ask him is she could stay?

Jungkook was thinking the same thing.

He didn't want her to leave.



how would he ask her stay?

With what right?

Stay because you're Octavia's only girl friend?

Stay because Jongin needs your help around here.



Stay because of me...

- Jungkook thought.

He threw another punch.

And another...

and another...

He has untied Haneul because he felt like the fight wasn't fair.

He wanted to see him kneel down, to ask for forgiveness.

Haneul was a coward.

If battled head on, he had no courage.

"Fight me back!" Jungkook yelled.

Haneul tried to throw a punch but was too tired, almost fainting.

"You killed my sister... and now, you dare to want to hurt Souline?" Jungkook yelled, throwing another punch.

"Why the fuck do you care who I hurt?" Haneul asked back.

"I fucking hurt whoever I want. Them ladies want me anyway." He smirked, his face all bloody.

"I mean... after all the abuse, your sister still let me get inside her pants."




Another punch,



another punch..

"Stop! Don't kill him yet!" Suga held Jungkook back.

Jungkook was angry.

He was seeing red...


He wanted to punch the living shit out of him.

He wanted to kill him.

He killed his sister and then dared to joked about it?

Jungkook was furious.

Suga along with J-Hope pulled him outside of the basement.

Jungkook was yelling, trying to move past Suga and J-Hope.

"GUYS!" Suga yelled.

V and Jimin ran over to the basement area and helped the guys pull Jungkook away.

"Jungkook?" Souline walked over.

Jungkook's face was bloody, because of one punch Haneul managed to throw on his eyebrow.

"Oh my god!" Her eyes widened.

She ran over and placed her hands on his face, watching over the bruise.

His eyes landing upon her, he was lost.

He saw her this morning but,

everytime he sees her, she just gets more and more beautiful.

She was so beautiful to look at.

She was his charm.

Just by looking at her, his anger was long gone.

She was so fragile, yet she tried to look over Jungkook.

He watched her, scared that if he held her, she would break.

He watched her and he was calm.

The only sound he heard was their heartbeats, and the only thing he saw was her.

The world had stopped.

Just the two of them.

He lost control.

Leaning down...

He captured her lips with his own....

(End of chapter 27.)


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