Chapter 40

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Third Person's POV

"Yeah... right." He laughed spinning around on his chair.

"If that is all I am going to get, I might as well leave!" Souline got up from her seat.

She carefully watched as her father's face completely changed.

He went from smiling real big to a glare on his face.

"You are not going anywhere!" He slammed his hand down on the table.

She was shivering with fear, but tried not to let it show.

"I finally have both of my children together here. You are not going anywhere." He got up from his chair.

"If you won't tell me anything then I am leaving. I don't care." She glared back at him.

She was shocked at the courage she had infront of him, after she knew all he had done to his wife the night before.

"In two weeks, I am throwing a welcome party for you. Everyone is coming. You... better... stay... in... your... room." Myung Dae took step after step for every word he said.

She backed away with every step he took forward.

"I am sure you wouldn't like me hurting your little friend in the hospital now... would you?" he asked with a sinister smile.

"Don't hurt anyone!" She glared at him.

"Good girl. I will send Bora to help you for tonight."


(2 Weeks Later)

Souline paced back and forth inside her room.

Bora had gotten a couple of dresses for her to try on.

"I think this is the most beautiful dress." Bora said entering her room again.

"Bora..." Souline took the dress away from her and pulled her to sit down on the bed.

It was time for them to speak about what happened.

"I saw what happened that night!" Souline announced and Bora's eyes widened.

"You..." She tried to laugh it off but Souline shook her head.

"Don't try to lie Bora. I saw everything I was there." Souline's eyes teared up.

"I am so sorry." She apologized.

She felt this sadness that was killing her.

Whether she liked it or not, her biological father was the one who hurt a woman.

She felt like she needed to apologize to Bora for it.

"Don't apologize. There is nothing to apologize for. I am fine look." Bora smiled through her tears.

"I am fine." She nodded, trying to convince Souline.

"You are not okay, Bora. Why are you going through this? Why are you letting him hurt you? Why are you not fighting back?" Souline asked.

"You think my power could be enough to compare to his. He is a man! I am powerless against him." She shook her head.

"I have been through even worse..." She sighed, "Look, sweetie, if you want to run away, I can help you." She looked at Souline.

"I can't leave without finding out something." Souline shook her head.

"You will only get hurt. Trust me and leave." She tried to convince Souline that she leaves this mansion.

"Ladies, Master Myung Dae send me to check if you are ready, all the guests are here." One maid entered Souline's room.

"We are just changing the dress and coming." Bora smiled kindly at the maid and she left.

Bora helped Souline change into the dress she felt like looked best on Souline.

Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and her makeup was natural.

"You look very beautiful." Bora smiled at Souline.

"Thank you very much, for the help." Souline smiled back.

She felt so sad that Bora, who was such a kind woman, was stuck living her life with someone like Myung Dae.


The ladies together walked down the stairs to the first floor where a lot of people were gathered.

Everyone's eyes were on Souline.

"Is that her?"

"How come she is so beautiful?"

"She is probably lying!"

"She's not really his daughter."

"Is that a designer dress she has on?"

Souline felt like rolling her eyes at everyone.

If they were so jealous and willing to be his daughter, she would GLADLY change her place.

She wish she had nothing to do with Myung Dae.

She stood beside Bora the whole time.

The party was going so slow, it was so boring for Souline.

She was standing there by the food table, when she heard a familiar voice.

"May I have this dance?"

(End of chapter 40.)

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