Chapter 17

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Souline's POV

I turned around and left the room.

I can't believe that I just said that to Jungkook.

Oh my god.

I ran back upstairs to the room and slammed the door closed.

"I am so stupid." I slapped my forehead.

"Why?" A voice made me jump in surprise.

I looked over to the bed to see a little boy playing with toys on top of my bed.

"Who are you?" I asked walking over to the bed.

"My name is Jongin." He looked up, his cute eyes making me melt.

"And your name is?" He asked making me smile

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"And your name is?" He asked making me smile.

"My name is Souline." I sat down on the bed.

"Why did you call yourself stupid a while ago?" He asked pointing to the door that I came in.

"Because I am stupid." I sighed.

"No. No one is stupid. You are beautiful." He smiled and I smiled back.

"And what are you doing here Jongin?" I asked as I took a hold of one of his toys.

"I was looking for my uncle." He answered while playing with his toys.

"Your uncle?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, uncle Jungkook." he said and my eyes widened.

"He is downstairs. Do you want me to take you to him?" I asked and he nodded.

Grabbing his toys, he held onto my hand as we walked down the stairs and back to the living room where I left Jungkook.

As we were walking down the stairs, Jungkook exited the living room, stopping mid way upon hearing us come down the stairs.

A smile creeped up his face as he looked at us.

"Jongin?" He asked and Jongin let go of my hand to run over to him.

"I met Souline, and she was as beautiful as you described her to be." Jongin said hugging his uncle who know was looking at me.

What in the hell?

Me? Beautiful? Hah!

"Right?" He smiled at Jongin who nodded.

I knew I was blushing like crazy right now. God damn it.

"Is she your wife?" He asked Jungkook who shook his head.

"No, she's not my wife, she's a friend." He answered to his nephew.

"I hope she will be your wife because I like her more than all the other women I met." He said and I raised a brow at Jungkook, but kept silent.

"What are you doing here today?" He asked his nephew, completely dropping the subject.

"I came here with uncle Jin. Today is my mom's anniversary." He answered making Jungkook's smile drop.

Mom's anniversary?

Did she die?

"Souline, do you want to come and meet my mom?" He asked walking over to me.

I went down on my knee so i was now eye level with him.

"It seems like this is a family moment you will be having, maybe another time?" I asked Jongin who pouted.

"You are part of the family, Souline." Jin said walking over.

I was not part of the family.

Not this family.

Not any family.

I was my own person.

"She is right. Another time would be better." Jungkook interrupted.

I nodded. Agreeing with him.

"Okay, we will go together next time but, I will be talking to my mom about you." Jongin smiled making me smile back.

"Oh really? What will you say?" I asked him with a smile.

"That you are beautiful and with your beauty, you grabbed the attention of my uncle."

(End of chapter 17.)

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