Chapter 42

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Third Person's POV





Her heart dropped.

She walked over to the laptop on her father's office and played the video.

It started off like;

"Hello my dear, as you can see this is Myung Dae and if you are seeing this it means that you have disrespected me.

If you're seeing this it means that it's time for your punishment."

What disrespect?



What punishment?

Souline was full of questions.

The video changed to something very disturbing.

It was a room, and a woman was sleeping on the bed.

As the video went on, the woman turned around in bed and Souline's jaw dropped.


She was shocked.

Why was Jisoo being recorded sleeping?

The door suddenly opened to reveal Myung Dae.


What is happening?

He walked over to the bed and took the covers off of her.

She jumped up in surprise.

What happened next made Souline cover her mouth in shock.



forced himself on her.

She was screaming for help but he covered her mouth with his hand.

Souline watched as Jisoo cried for help...

"Oh my god!" She shivered in fear.

She covered her eyes as Myung Dae slapped Jisoo, and punched her multiple times.

She was in shock.

"Now..." the video changed over to Myung Dae, "you know that you belong to me. Haneul can't save you. Know your place and continue being my baby girl in silence."

"You know... I treat you right..."

The video went back to where Myung Dae was watching Jisoo being abused.

Souline started sobbing.

She placed her hand over her mouth so that she wouldn't be heard.

She closed the video, took the flash drive out and put everything in it's place.

Except she changed the flash drive with another similar one.

She decided to play the rest of the videos when she is out of this place.

If she continues being in there she might get caught.

She was on her tippy toes walking to the door when it suddenly opened.

"Souline?!" Bora got shocked upon seeing her in there.

Souline's heart dropped.

She thought it was Myung Dae.

"You found everything?" Bora whispered to Souline.

"I found a flash drive and a couple of envelopes." Souline said and Bora nodded.

"I have this letter," She said handing Souline a letter, "You should give this to Haneul, okay?"

Souline looked at the letter and then back at her.

"I know what he has done and that is unacceptable, but please, as a mother I am begging you to give this letter to Haneul." Bora begged.

Souline couldn't deny her wish.

"It was so nice to know you, but you should get out of this place and live your life." Bora hugged Souline.

Why did this goodbye hurt so much?

It felt like they would never see each other again.

Souline didn't know what would happen that night as she ran down the hallway.

She ran towards her freedom.


The party was now over, everyone was back to their houses.

Souline was now long gone.

In that huge lonely mansion, it was only Bora and Myung Dae.

Bora was in the bedroom, waiting for her husband.

"Sweetheart, have you seen Souline?" Myung Dae asked entering the bedroom.

Bora stood there by the fireplace they had in their bedroom, with wine on her hand.

"She and Haneul left together to go and catch up with each other." Bora lied.

"That is nice. Our children are bonding together." He placed his hands on her waist, backhugging her.

"Wine?" She asked with a smile and he nodded.

She poured him wine.

but little did he know...

that would be his last wine.

(End of chapter 42.)

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