Chapter 2

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Soul's POV

"This is where you will be staying. Don't even think about running away. You have nowhere to go." The Yugyeom dude said as he lead me into a room.

Kim Yugyeom was his name, he introduced himself while we were on our way here.

Jeon Jungkook told him to take me to my room.


"I am not staying anywhere. You can't keep me here." I glared at him and he just rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him, then I heard that he actually locked the door, locking me inside the room.

"OPEN THE DOOR!! OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I yelled and banged on the door but no one heard me.

I put my back against the door and stared at the room.

A queen sized bed was on the right side of the room, with nightstands on each side.

The room was painted in a soft grey color, the covers on the bed a grey color too.

After that there were windows, reaching all the way to the ground, and outside was a balcony.

Continuing on the left side there was a walk-in closet and beside the walk in closet was a vanity, with makeup on it.

And beside the vanity was a door that I'm sure was a bathroom.

There was also a couch and a table in the middle of the room.

The room was very dark, didn't have any color whatsoever.

It made me feel lonely.

No matter how pretty it looked, it made me feel like it was a prison cell.

I walked over to windows and opened the door that lead into the balcony, staring down.

The height made me shiver, if I jumped from here it would be suicide.

I will have to think of something.

Maybe if I tied down all the clothes I could build a rope and eventually climb down.

Yes! I will be doing that.

Someone unlocking the door made me come out of my thoughts as I ran inside quickly and closed the door.

"Hello, I brought you food." Someone said entering the room. It was a man I never seen before. Not even as I was passing by the long halls of this place.

"I am not eating." I glared at him.

"You may be hungry, it's for your best that you eat something. We don't want you to faint or something." He said and I looked away from him.

Not going to lie the food smelled amazing. It smelled too good that it made me suspicious.

"My name is Kim Seokjin, what is your name?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Souline." I answered.

"Just Souline? You don't have a last name?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Please, help me get out of here. I don't know what I'm doing here." I pleaded, getting down on my knees.

Never in my life have I begged someone to do something for me, until today.

"I'm sorry. I won't be able to help you. I am leaving the food here, eat before it gets cold." He said and quickly walked out.

I grabbed the tray of food and threw it to the door.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I yelled and fell to the ground sobbing.

I somehow crawled on the floor, all the way to the closet to see that there were no clothes inside.

There goes my plan on escaping.

I continued to sob, and eventually as much as I avoided sleeping, I couldn't help the way my eyes felt heavy. I had no energy left. My body slipped into darkness.

(End of chapter 2.)

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