Chapter 43

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Third Person's POV

"mmm... this wine tastes weirdly for some reason..." Myung Dae thought, "Maybe it's because I have been drinking downstairs too." He laughed.

"It's not because of that." Bora turned to him.

He watched as she became blurry and her voice came off as weird to him.


He grabbed his head, feeling dizzy.

Maybe he shouldn't have gulped down the wine all at once.

To him, it felt as if all the alcohol he drank has decided to hit him all at once.

"You... are a monster." Bora glared at him.

"For all these years, I have pulled up with everything, because I knew one day, you would get what you deserve." She spat at him.

"You blamed me for everything, after you beat up Jisoo."

"You think I didn't know?"

"I know everything Myung Dae, I have SEEN everything." She cried.

He was on the ground, his heart was beating faster than normal.

This is not how she wanted him to die, it would be too easy for him.

She drugged him, enough so that he can't move and hurt her for the last time.

For the last time in her life she decided to be the strong and powerful one.

"Shut up! Help me!" He coughed.

"How do you feel Myung Dae?" She looked down at him, "Do you feel hopeless? Do you feel pain?"

"Help me!" He reached his hand out to her.

"Remember Myung Dae. Remember this is how everyone felt because of you. Remember how Jisoo felt because of you."

"You are the reason for everything that has happened to us. You made me a bad mother and I shut up because even though my son hated me, he was safe. You locked me up in a mental hospital because I didn't listen to you."

"But for you, a mental hospital would be too good. You deserve to rot in hell."

"You are a monster!" She screamed.

She was sobbing.

She was said yes.

She was in pain yes.

But she was also happy that this was soon going to be over.

All this pain would be over.

She would save her son.

She would save herself.

She would save everyone from him.

Her only regret was...

She couldn't save her daughter.

"You... You murdered your own daughter..."

"Bora!" He called out.

"You murdered her! You... Calling you a monster is offensive to monsters. You're worse than a devil... I... I can't find words to explain how evil you are."

She cried.

She remembered.

She remembered how in the middle of the night, he got up and choked their little baby daughter because she was crying.

The horror that she has seen in her life...

Not many people would be able to go through.

"I should have done this sooner." She nodded, wiping her tears away.

"Help me before I kill you." He managed to say and she laughed.

"The only person you are going to kill... is yourself." She looked down at him.

"You won't be able to hurt anyone anymore. Souline knows the truth."

His eyes widened.

"She knows everything... She has everything. She will show Haneul, and Jungkook, and everyone the truth."

"You made everyone blame my son... YOU MADE HIM BLAME HIMSELF WHEN YOU WERE THE ONE TO BLAME!"

She turned to the fireplace...

"It's time to end all this pain..."

She reached for the lighter that was in the table where the wine bottle was.

She first took the alcohol bottle and poured it on Myung Dae.

"Don't be ridiculous!" He said between pain.

"This is the only way... the only revenge."

She lit the lighter again and threw it on him.

She watched as he burned.

She watched as he yelled for help.

And for the first time in years... she felt freedom.


She couldn't live on anymore.

She was in so much pain that... she felt like the only way to actually be free...

was to kill herself.

She took Myung Dae's gun from the table and put it to her head.

"Now... I will be free." She teary eyed smiled.

and then....

She pulled the trigger.

(End of chapter 43.)

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