Chapter 25

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Souline's POV


"Surprise. Did you miss me?" He smirked.

"Get away from me." I tried running away but he grabbed my arm.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." he shook his head, "Imma have to send Jungkook a message through you."

He leaned down to her neck.

"HELP!" I yelled, trying to run away from him.

"Shut up," he covered my mouth with his hand, dragging me away.

I kept on yelling but my voice came out muffled because of his hand over my mouth, and the loud music playing inside the house.

I finally had the chance and I took it. I bit his hand.

"You bitch!"


I fell down on the floor.

I have been slapped many times in my life, and I hate it.

I hate that feeling.

I hate the feeling of not having the power to respond back.

I hate feeling so useless.



"Help!!!" I yelled.

I hoped that someone would hear and see me.

"Where are you getting this courage from?" He slapped me again.

By this point I could feel myself about to bleed through my nose.

I pulled off the mask.

"JUNGKOOK!" I yelled for the last time and a door suddenly opened.

"You son of a bitch!" I heard a familiar voice.

I felt so light headed.

I couldn't concentrate.

"Come here." Someone pulled me up on my feet.

Two men were fighting.

And a few others were trying to pull them away from each other.

"How dare you slap her? YOU FUCKING USELESS ASSHOLE!"




"Jungkook." I finally managed to say.

He pulled away from Haneul and turned to me.

He walked over, placing both hands on either side of my face.

"Souline." He spoke softly, tearing up.

"I'm okay! Alright, I'm okay." I nodded, tearing up too.

His finger grazed over my cheek, the one that I got slapped at.

A red mark was probably visible there.

"Stop!" He shook his head.

"I'm okay." I looked up at him.

"Stop!! Stop saying that. You're not okay. Stop saying that!" His voice broke.

"I couldn't protect you! I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." A tear rolled down his face.

"You protected me Jungkook. You came!" I spoke softly, wiping away the tear on his face, "When I needed you, you came."

Third Person's POV

Jungkook's heart broke, seeing her like that.

All bruised up.

He pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her.

He walked her inside the house, past the people who were probably too busy to notice anything.

He helped her up the stairs into his room.

They both walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Talk to me." He said after a while.

"I talked to you when I needed. If you don't want to talk then cry...." He looked at her, "I will be the shoulder for you to rest your head on."

It took her a while but she took a deep breath, before bursting into tears.

"I was scared."

"I was so scared you wouldn't hear me."

"I was so scared that I would be taken away again." She cried.

"I'm not letting anybody take you away from me."

"You got me?" She asked looking up at him.

"I got you." he placed a kiss on her forehead.

He opened up his arms for her.

She curled up right against him.

He held her close and kissed her hair.

She could feel his warmth.

In his arms,

she felt cared for.

She felt safe.

It was just what she needed.

(End of chapter 25.)

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