Chapter 6

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(Warning; The chapter contains violence and bad language.)

Jungkook's POV

How dare she?

How fucking dare she slap me?

Who does she think she is?

I stormed inside my office I had at the mansion and slammed the door behind me.

I was furious!

A knock on the door made me snap.

"WHO IS IT?!" I yelled and the door opened to reveal Seokjin hyung.

"What is wrong? Why are you so mad?" He asked, looking at me weirdly.

"Leave me alone for God's sake!" I sat down on my chair and sighed.

"What happened?" He asked again sitting on one of the chairs and when I turned around in my chair he gasped.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Who... who did that to you?" He pointed to his cheek trying not to laugh and I closed my eyes.

Don't fucking tell me she left a mark on my face.

"Shut up!" I snapped, glaring at him.

"Oh..." he gasped as if he realized the situation, "She slapped you?" He asked and I avoided his gaze.

For the first time in my life I was embarrased.

God damn it.

"Oh, she did!" He laughed. His windshield laugh echoing in the room as he slapped his knee.

"Oh my god! This... aaaahh... She's a fiesty one!" He laughed and I sighed.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

I got up from the chair and ignored his yelling behind me.

I walked back to her room and opened the door.

I looked at the bed and she was not there.

I became panicked for a second.

But when I noticed the balcony door was open, I slowly walked over.

There she was standing.

The moon was shining upon her.

Her face, even without no makeup on was the most beautiful face I had ever seen.

"What if I jump?" She asked herself, making my heart stop.


Don't do it.

Don't leave me again.

"I don't want to live anymore!" Her saddened voice made my heart break.

Why was she having this effect on me?

The phone ringing in my pocket snapped me out of my thoughts.

She turned around and was about to go inside the room but I was already out of the door.

"What?" I snapped, answering the phone.

"Boss, we got a problem!" Taehyung's panicked voice made me sigh.

What is it now?


I entered the basement area of our club.

Being the owner of the biggest club in Seoul, got provided with a huge basement, soundproof one.

"You piece of shit!" Someone got slapped and I heard a groan.

I turned the corner and there he was, tied on a chair.

Jee Seo Joon, boss of a small mafia that has been causing trouble such as raping women, abuse and drugs.

I am mafia boss too, the biggest mafia boss at that, but I am not a drug dealer or an abuser.

That is wrong.

And this filthy man, is doing dirty work in our name, trying to dirt our name.

"Even if I die, the tradition will continue. I will take you down. I will be the sacrifice." He yelled back at Im Jaebeom, one of my scariest men.

"I think imma have fun with this one." Min Yoongi stepped in after watching the scene unfold before his eyes.

He was holding a lighter on his hand and kept turning it on and then off. On and off...

"Do you even realize what will happen to you?" He smirked staring down at the tied up Seo Joon.

"I'm tired of you assholes thinking you have the right to judge us. If I want to fuck a bitch then I will. Whether she likes it or no-"


A very powerful punch from Min Yoongi.

The smirk he had on his face now long gone, replaced with a deadly glare.

Seems like the boys got everything under control, I don't know why Taehyung even called me here.

"Jungkookie!" Seo Joon laughed calling after me.

I stopped mid way, but didn't turn around just yet.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't leave, don't! I was just about to tell the guys how I will be fucking that girl of yours, Souline or whatever her name is." He laughed and someone punched him but that didn't satisfy me.

My blood was boiling with anger.

Before I could think twice I turned around, with my fist ready to punch the life out of him.


Chair falls to the ground.





I was going to kill this guy.

How dare he?

How does he know about Souline?

(End of chapter 6.)

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