Chapter 12

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Souline's POV

We sat there in the car, all silent as Jungkook kept driving.

Since they basically trafficked me to Korea, I now had to go the same way back to the U.S.

"Jungkook! Will you tell me why you kidnapped me? Why you trafficked me to South Korea?" I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"I don't want to talk about it." He muttured under his breath.

"Well, I want to talk about it." I said turning to him.

"I deserve to know. And you are going to tell me right now!" I said sternly but he just ignored me.

"Jungkook!" I yelled but he kept on ignoring me.

All of a sudden he started speeding, making me grip the car and hold on tight.

"Jungkook, what is going on?" I yelled, terrified of the speed.

"Jungkook please answer. What are you doing?" I almost cried.

"We are being followed." He glanced on the mirror, at the car that was following us.

Why were we being followed?

"Souline. Hold on tight!" He said and drove even faster, rushing by different cars.

"We are going to die!" I closed my eyes shut, unable to watch anything because of the speed and the fear i was feeling.

"For fuck's sake!" He yelled slamming the steering wheel.

He was trying to call someone on the phone, but the person was not answering.

"Ayo wassup!" Someone answered.

"V! I need a little help here." Jungkook said to whoever this V guy was.

"What is happening?" V guy asked worriedly.

"We are being followed!" Jungkook answered and moved the car away just in time before a truck moved past us.

"I'm on it!" And with that he hung up.




"Get low!" Jungkook grabbed my head, lowering my head so that I dont get hit by the gunshots.

Oh my god!


"I am going to die!!!!" I cried.

"Shit!" Was all I heard Jungkook say before I put my head up and everything moved in slow motion.

The car turned to the side and due to the speed made it so that the car rolled over many times.

It was moving in slow motion, but I watched as Jungkook removed his seatbelt and brought me closer to his body.







Was all I heard.

Water drops, dripping and dripping and dripping.

I was cold.

So cold!

"Sleeping beauty is awake!" Someone yelled.

The voice echoed in the room that we were in.

I opened my eyes.

Seeing people that I never met before.

"Hello!" A creepy guy said walking over to me, a smile on his face.

Where am i?

"You are at my house, beautiful!" Someone answered the question i asked in my head, that I possibly asked out loud too.

The guy walked over, and now I was finally able to see his face in the flashing light.

"Who are you?" I asked glaring at him.

I was tied down in a chair.

Thankfully I still had my clothes on, though, they were ripped due to the accident I had with Jungkook.

Oh my god!


Where is he?

"Hmm... well," He grabbed a chair, "My name is Park Ha Neul," He sat down "and let's say I'm a good friend of Jungkookie."

(End of chapter 12.)

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