Chapter 58

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Third Person's POV

(1 Week later)

It has been one week since Jungkook made up his mind to be romantic and change our story from drama and horror to romance and comedy.

"Wow, if someone would tell me Jungkook is a romantic guy, I would never believe it." Octavia shrugged looking at the flowers he had brought to Souline.

She was by her vanity, getting ready for their first ever date together.

"Love changes people." Jisoo smiled.

"Yeah, Haneul was like Jungkook before. They were both cold and cool and shit but now they're both hopelessly romantic." Octavia smiled.

"We changed the guys, right Souline?" Jisoo smirked at Souline who nodded back with a smirk.

"When are you going to find a guy Octavia?" Souline asked.

They have been both asking Octavia this because she has been on her phone 24/7.

They know she is talking to someone but won't tell the girls.

"I don't think I ever will."

"Why?" Jisoo asked.

"Because... I'm fine being single." Octavia shrugged.

She wanted to tell the girls but she couldn't.

Not yet.

"You know, Jimin has been talking to
someone lately." Jisoo turned to Souline.

"I caught him texting someone but he had changed the name into a guys name."

"Really? What was he texting?"

"Something romantic, I don't know."

"Can't it be that he's gay?" Souline shrugged.

She knew that out of everyone, Jimin would be the last one to be gay... At least to her.

"Jimin? Gay?" Octavia bursted out to laughter.

"yeah," Jisoo nodded, "Why not?"

"Guys, come on... You know the amount of girls he has been with? He can't possibly be gay."

"You can never be too sure." Souline shrugged.

That got Octavia to think.

Is he joking with her?

Jimin and Octavia have recently began to talk to each other in a deeper level than friends.

Could he really be gay and trying to cover it up?

She had to find out.

"Girls, excuse me for a minute." She excused herself and walked out of the room.

"Good job!" Souline and Jisoo hi fived each other.

They knew all along she has been talking to Jimin but decided to tease her and it really worked.

"I'm going too!" Souline said hurriedly as Jungkook just texted her.


They were sitting at a restaurant, and after a couple of drinks, they felt themselves tipsy.

"If only there was a bed here."

"What would you do if there was one?" Souline smirked and basically am suprised herself because she was never one of those girls to flirt with a boy.

"Oh you wanna find out?" He smirked back and she bit her lip nodding. "More than anything." I said and he placed his forehead on hers.

"You're such a naughty girl aren't you?" He asked and she nodded.

"Everything for you." I smirked and he bit his lip. "Let's go.We'll continue this." He said and grabbed her hand.

They walked back to the car and Jungkook drove them to his apartment in Seoul.

A place where the two of them could be together...

And enjoy their night.

(End of chapter 58.)

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