Chapter 21

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Third Person's POV

It was Jisoo's anniversary.

Everyone was together, sitting by the table, eating dinner.

Jungkook sat at the head of the table with Jongin and Souline on either side of him.

Jungkook kept stealing glances at Souline whenever she wasn't looking.

She was so focused to hearing stories that everyone had to share about Jisoo.

Jungkook couldn't deny the fact about how he opened up his heart, let his walls down.

He was cold and ruthless.

But, to her...

He could be himself.

He could let down his guard knowing he would never be judged.

And that was comfort he felt there.

He couldn't deny that she was etherally beautiful.

"She did it!" Jimin laughed.

They were telling stories about a huge prank Jisoo played on Jungkook when they were little.

"Okay, stop stop!" Jungkook groaned.

But he watched as Souline's laughter filled up the room that once was so cold.

This house was too cold for him.

This whole life was cold.

In a way...

He found comfort with her being there.

"I was meaning to ask you, Jungkook. For how much longer will I be here?" Souline turned to face him.

His breath caught on his throat the moment they made eye contact.

"We will need to find Haneul. He might be after you. Until that is solved, you can be here." He cleared his throat and she nodded.

"Okay!" She said before turning to her meal.

"She will be around for a little while more?" Octavia looked at Jungkook wide eyed, filled with happiness.

"Yes!" Jungkook confirmed it.

"So, that means she will be here for the ball?" Namjoon asked as he chewed on his meal.

"Oh, yes yes!" Jimin answered.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Octavia yelled cheerfully.

"We will have so much fun. We have to pick a color for your dress and then fix your nails and your hair and wait... What is your favourite color?" Octavia asked and as Souline was about to answer, she continued again.

"We'll talk about that later, I need to find you a very very very beautiful dress that will drive men crazy." She smirked pulling out her phone.

I know just who you will drive crazy at this ball.

Octavia thought with a smirk as she looked at Jungkook who was eating his meal.

"Hey, hey. She will drive no man crazy." Jongin shook his head, "She is my uncle's." He looked at his uncle with a smirk.

"Look at our smart boy." V ruffled Jongin's hair.

Jungkook's eyes shifted from Jongin to Souline who sat there eyeing her meal, a shade of pink visible on her cheeks.


He thought.

"What will the theme be?" Suga asked looking at Octavia.

"Uhmmm... as usual, fancy dresses and suits." She shrugged.

"Will there be masks?" Jin asked sipping on his wine.

"Masks?" Octavia gasped before her eyes widened. "Oh my god! Yes! Masks." She jumped up and down on her seat.

"Masks? Like spiderman masks?" Jongin asked and Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at how adorable he was.

"Yes! Like that!" He nodded.

Souline looked at him for a while.

Admiring how his laughter made her happy in a way.

The cold man infront of her, was now laughing.

"Can I come?" Jongin asked making puppy eyes.

"Not this time. I promise you. Next time, you will join us. Okay?" Jungkook looked down at him as Jongin pouted.

"Okay!" He agreed sadly.

Octavia turned to Souline.

"Now... are we ready for the ball?"

(End of chapter 21.)

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