Chapter 45

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Third Person's POV


Jisoo's voice started off the video.

She was sitting on a chair in her room, filming this video.

Her face was covered in bruises and her hair all over the place.

"This... is Jisoo." She cleared her throat and tried to fix her hair.

"D-Don't be scared. I'm okay."

"I have found a way to leave this place..." She tried smiling.

"I don't have much time..." she looked to the side, where the door was located.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry..."

"I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about what has been happening in my life these past years.

I'm sorry that I'm leaving like this.

I want to thank you for the endless things you have done for me, even if you don't realize it...

For example whenever you call me on the phone, for those minutes we speak I am safe, and I am happy.

Thank you for loving me endlessly, even when I'm most certainly the biggest pain in the ass." She laughed.

"I want to thank you for encouraging me to do my best. I want to thank you for always believing in me, when I can't even believe in myself.

This is not a goodbye...

I am leaving now but I will come back."

"I wi-"

The door opened and Jisoo rushed to close down the camera.

The video ended.

"Wa- Wait what happened?" J-Hope looked wide eyed at us.

"Seems like Myung Dae entered the room." Octavia asnwered, confusedly.

"But wait," Namjoon turned to us, "She said she is leaving, meaning she is leaving, not comitting suicide."

"True..." J-Hope nodded.

"Then that means?" Octavia turned to Souline.

"She was murdered." She answered.

"She was murdered, but what about the letter that Jungkook got?" Octavia asked again.

"It was a cover up." Namjoon confirmed.

"It was a cover up to not investigate the case... they saw her hanging there and the letter which was indeed enough to rule the case as suicide." He continued.

"Souline." A very confused Jungkook walked inside the room.

The door was open and he heard everything.

"Jisoo?" His eyes teared up.

"Jungkook." Souline called out softly walking to him.

He walked past her over to where the laptop was and played the video again.

He played the video from Jisoo first, and then the first video played.

His hands formed into fists.


Jungkook watched as Myung Dae covered her mouth so that she wouldn't be heard.

They watched as Jungkook greeted his teeth.

He felt hurt... betrayed... angry.... he was mad...

He was going insane...

"STOP!" He watched as his sister yelled for help, and that was it.

In a split second.

He lost it.

He grabbed the laptop throwing it to the ground.

"AHHHHH!!!" He yelled, slamming his fists to the table.

Namjoon and J-Hope helped the girls away as Jungkook angrily flipped the whole table to the side.

"Jungkook!" Souline yelled.

She had never seen Jungkook like that.

"JUNGKOOK!" J-Hope yelled running over to hold him.

Along with Namjoon, they ran over to Jungkook.

"Let go!!" Jungkook yelled but the guys held him anyways.

His knees went weak.

He was crying...

He was angry..

His heart was broken.

"Jungkook..." Souline called out after Jungkook fell to the floor.

His face was covered in tears.

"Jungkook, shhhh!" Souline held his face to her chest.

He was holding on to her.

"Souline..." He sobbed.

"Ahhhhh!" He continued to sob, as Souline just held him.

"H-How...?" He sobbed.


(End of chapter 45.)

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