Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

"What happened?" J-Hope ran inside the house with his first aid kit.

He followed me to the room as I explained what had happened.

"She sneaked out? Oh damn!" He laughed, "Not many people have balls to do that." He smirked, hinting on the men I have down in the basement.

"I know right?" I smirked back and we entered her room.

My smirk disappeared immediately as she was laying down in bed, all bruised up.

"Oh man! We need to call Octavia for help!" J-Hope said and I nodded.


Souline's POV


All over my body...

All I felt was pain, pain, pain.

"Ah!" I winced in pain as I tried to open my eyes.

"Stay down, stay down."

I heard a woman's voice.

"Souline, stay down." She said firmly again.

I opened my eyes to see this beautiful woman looking over me.

"Where am I?" I asked, grabbing my head in pain.

"You're still in Jungkook's house. You are hurt." She explained.

"Oh, by the way, sorry, my name is Octavia and I am here to look after you." She said again and I looked at her confused.

"I thought it was only guys that worked here?" I asked confusedly.

I remember seeing only boys here in this places.

"Well, I'm the exception." She rolled her eyes with a smile.

The door bursted open before either of us could say anything else, revealing a breathless Jungkook in gym shorts and shirt, all sweaty.

His long hair was dripping in sweat as he tried to catch his breath.

After seeing him like that, I was the one who needed to catch her breath.


"Souline?" He asked worriedly and walked over.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked all concerned.

"I... uh... I don't know." I sighed.

"Look, I know you hate me for making you stay here but stay a little bit more until you feel better and then you can go okay?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"I can go?" I asked and I wasn't happy nor sad.

I have nowhere to go.

I did have a home back in the U.S but it was only a room and it was apartment.

It was more like the storage room of a building.

"Yes... You are free to go." He said going back to his emotionless and cold self.

"Rest and we'll talk later." He said and with that he left.

"You're free to go." Octavia said happily but after seeing my sad face her smile dropped.

"What happened?" She asked walking over and sitting down on the bed.

"I'm in pain." I lied.

I couldn't possibly tell the truth to someone I just met.

After Octavia went to go get me some food I stayed there in bed, thinking about what I can do after I leave this place.

I kept replaying Octavia's words when she said that;

"We might not know each other that well but you can always count me as your friend. If you need anything just tell me, I'll try my best to help you."

I felt so grateful that after such a long time, I finally smiled.

I could ask her for help but I was still confused about something.

Why was I here? Why did they try to keep me here? Why did he decide to let me go now?

I was confused and I didn't like it.

I will make sure to find answers before I actually leave this place.

(End of chapter 10.)

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