Chapter 48

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Third Person's POV

After seeing how confused Haneul was, Jungkook let go.

"You didn't know?" Jungkook backed away from him.

Haneul was in tears.

He just shook his head.

He wasn't able to believe it.

His one and only love suffered everyday before him.

Everyday Myung Dae would blame Bora and lie that she was the one to hurt Jisoo.

Bora couldn't say the truth.

Neither could Jisoo.

Jisoo was threatened that Myung Dae would take her son away from her.

Bora was threatened that Myung Dae would kill both Haneul and Amber.

As you can tell, two mothers suffered while trying to protect their children.

"How come you didn't know? You lived with her every single day." Jungkook almost laughed at how ridiculous this was.

He lived with her everyday so how come he didn't notice.

Haneul handed Jungkook the letter and he read through it.

"Rehabilitation Centre in Switzerland..." Jungkook read, "Do you know someone who is in rehabilitation centre?"

"No..." Haneul shook his head, "But I will go there to find out." He got up from the floor.

"Guys, you stay here." Jungkook said to the guys, "If you are going to find out something about my sister then I am coming along." He walked beside Haneul.

Together they got into a car and headed straight to the airport.

"Give me the soonest ticket to Switzerland!" Haneul said as soon as they walked up to the reception.

"We have two tickets in the flight about 1 hour from now." The receptionist announced.

"Wait!" Jungkook said and pulled out his phone, dialing his friend.

"Eunwoo, where you at bro?" Jungkook said to the phone.

Haneul rolled his eyes at the mention of his name.

Haneul and Jungkook, have been friends before Jisoo dated and got married to him.

Everything changed afterwards.

They drifted apart.

Haneul and Eunwoo never got along, so Jungkook calling him, made him roll his eyes.

"Could you come and take us to Switzerland?" He asked on the phone.

"Who us?" Eunwoo asked.

"You'll see when you get here!" Jungkook answered and with that they hung up.

Eunwoo was a pilot and Jungkook owned a private plane.

"You didn't have anyone else to call?" Haneul asked annoyed.

"You should be thankful he is coming. We need to get to Switzerland as soon as possible." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Thankful!" Haneul sat down on one of the seats.


"Well, well, we-" Eunwoo stopped mid sentence as soon as his eyes landed on Haneul.

"Jungkook?" He turned to Jungkook and walked over.

He placed his hand on Jungkook's forehead to check if he was sick, "Hmmm... you're not sick." He sighed, "But what is that asshole doing here?"

"Hello to you too asshole!" Haneul rolled his eyes.

"Stop that now. We have to go to Switzerland as soon as possible!" Jungkook said and with that they all walked past security and on to Jungkook's private jet.


"Where is that goddamn place?!" Haneul asked as they sat on the back of a taxi.

Currently they were driving through a long street, on both sides it was covered in trees.

"What will we find here?" Jungkook asked.

They came here without knowing but Bora said that they would find something.

"We are here!" The taxi driver announced.

The boys got out of the car and looked at the building.

"What will we say?" Haneul asked.

"I don't know. Let's just say we are here to visit someone." Jungkook shrugged.

They walked inside and headed to the reception area.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" The kind woman asked.

"We are here to visit someone." Jungkook said and she nodded.

"We have been expecting you. Bora told us you would come!" She said and gestured for them to follow her.

They walked behind her through this long hallway.

On either side of the hallway were rooms, they were all designed differently depending on the person living in there.

Haneul and Jungkook looked at each other weirdly before continuing to walk.

"Where do you think she's taking us?" Jungkook asked.

"Probably to lock us up. Mom knew we would go crazy once we found out the truth." Haneul sighed.

"Bora told me that you would come." The woman turned around, "Outside," She pointed, "Is the person you are here to meet. Are you ready?"

The boys looked at each other and then back at the woman, nodding.

"Then, here you go!" She opened the door.

(End of chapter 48.)

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