Chapter 34

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Third Person's POV

Souline arrived home and immediately walked over to Jungkook's office.

She needed to find out anything, any clue that could lead her to her dad.

She searched throughout the whole office, trying to find something but to her disappointment, she found nothing.

"God damn it!" She angrily yelled throwing some pieces of paper she held in her hands.

As they scattered through the floor, her eyes ended up on something.

She noticed something.

Running over, she realized it was a picture of her.

Next to it was all information about her.

Her birth date.

The names of her parents that left her.

The orphanage she spent her whole life at.

The storage room that was basically her "house".

All kinds of information was there.

As she read through, on a post-it note, she found an adress in South Korea.

Confusedly, she searched up the adress and found out that it was not so far from where she was.

She got out of the office after cleaning everything up.

Took on her jacket, grabbed her bag and was out of the door, on her way to that adress.

She started walking but it was night time so taking a taxi seemed better.

A nice old man in a taxi drove her to the location.

Thanking the man, she walked out and stared at the store infront of her.

A florist store?

Confusedly she entered the store and a man from behind the counter looked over to her direction.

"Hello!" She waved nicely.

"Oh my... welcome." He said walking around the counter.

"Hi... uh... I have some questions if you could help me? You're Mr. Kim Tae Sun?!" She asked with a kind smile.


"I was looking and I found this adress and I don't know if this is the right place but, I am searching for my father." She said and his eyes widened.

"Y-your father?" he asked.

"Yes? Do you know him?" She asked, in hope that he knows her father.

"Your mother's name is Isabelle, right?" The man asked.

She remembered reading her name and it indeed was Isabelle.

"Yes... I believe so." She shrugged, "My parents left me in the orphanage when I was just a baby."

"They did?"

"Yes... I... grew up in orphanage and I have looked all over for them. I found them and they had other children, a new life without me." She sadly explained.

"That man is not your father." He shook his head.

"Everyone keeps saying that. How do you know? Do you know my real father?" She asked.

"I know because I know your father." He sighed.

"I will start off by saying that you look like him, but you are more beautiful." He smiled, "I guess you took after your mom for that. I bet you have seen she is half asian?"

She nodded.

She was sad.

She wish she saw them up close and met her parents.

She wanted to see for herself who she looked like more.

"It was during college, I was friends with your father," the man started explaining, "He was a good guy until he started going the wrong way, doing dirty work. He changed completely."

She nodded for him to continue.

"He became very aggressive. Taking drugs and everything." He sighed.

"He started skipping college and eventually dropped out."

"I haven't seen him for a long time... until one day I got the news that he was part of a huge mafia now."

Her eyes widened.

Like Jungkook?

"Based on what I have heard, he is doing all kinds of dirty work. Drugs, human trafficking..."

Human trafficking?

How in the hell?

"Before he finds you, it's best if you leave Korea."

"That man is very ruthless..." He said and when the door opened, someone entered inside, the man looked past Souline and his eyes widened.

"Will you stop badmouthing me Tae Sun?"

(End of chapter 34.)

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