Chapter 28

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Third Person's POV


Everyone was shocked at the two of them kissing.

"Here we are worrying about Jungkook and he was worrying about something else." J-Hope teased.

"Let's go." Octavia pulled on his arm.

Everyone left.

Now it was just the two of them.

Jungkook pulled away.

"I... uh... I'm sorry." He apologized and then turned around, walking away.

Souline stood there in shock.

What in the hell just happened?

Jungkook... kissed her

She couldn't believe it.

Did she like it?


Did she kiss back?


Did she want to continue?

Hell yeah.

Jungkook paced back and forth outside in the backyard.

He couldn't believe he did that.

He had wanted to kiss her ever since he can remember, but he didn't want to do it against her will.

And well... she kissed back so... it isn't counted as against her will right?

Jungkook was about to go insane.

How will he explain to her why he kissed?

What will he say?

"He is panicking!" Suga laughed watching Jungkook from the second floor.

Right now everyone was in Suga's room watching over him.

"I can't believe he kissed her." Octavia laughed.

"My money!" Jimin put out his hand to Jin who sighed.

They made a bet about Jungkook and Souline kissing.

And Jimin won.

"I can't believe you guys!" Namjoon laughed at the two.



A voice called out to her.

She turned around to see Jongin running up to her.

"I got a good grade in school today." He hugged her.

"Thank you so much for helping me with my homework." He said making Souline smile.

"It's no problem, buddy. I'm proud of you." She hugged him back.

"Can we go for ice cream now?" He asked and she sighed.

She was unsure on whether Jungkook would allow it.

And she had no way she could ask him about it.

After their... moment...

"Let's go." She nodded.

She helped him take his bag off and together hand in hand they walked out of the house.

"Can you go get us ice cream?" She asked Soobin who was outside in the garden.

She felt happy she found Soobin.

He could go get their ice cream and they would wait for him here.

"I have the ball, wait I'm going to go get it." He ran somewhere to find his ball where he could play with Souline.

"I am here too, you know?" Yeonjun asked following Jongin who now had a ball on his hands.

"I don't like playing with you anymore. You hurt me." Jongin walked towards Souline.

"I didn't hurt you. It was Soobin who made you fall." Yeonjun groaned.

"Will you play with me?" Jongin asked Souline who sat down on the stairs, waiting for Jongin.

"Yes, of course." She smiled.

They started playing football, throwing the ball back and forth.

Eventually even Yeonjun joined them.

"Souline, throw it." Jongin screamed and Souline ran, hitting the ball.

She watched as the ball flew on a specific direction.

Hitting Jungkook who just walked out of the front door, wearing a suit, with a coffee cup on his hand.

The ball hit his hand which made the coffee fall on his clothes.

"Oh my god!"

(End of chapter 28.)

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