Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

"Dear Jungkook,

I have been meaning to talk to you for a while now.
I couldn't bring myself to meet you eye to eye which is why I am leaving you this letter.
I just need to say that it's done, and I can't do it anymore.
I can't live anymore.
I am done fightin and putting up with this. Those scars on my arms, you know they're not cat scratches. Those bruises, you know I didn't get them because I fell. You were right. You know everything.
I want to thank you for giving me everything I always wanted. A great brother, a great friend, a guardian. There is nothing more I could ever want other than this to last forever, but I can't.
This is the last time you are going to hear from me, or see me.
I hope that the love you have shown me my whole life you will continue to do the same for my son.
I am leaving Jongin to you, because I no longer can protect him. Please take care of him. Tell him that I love him.
And I will watch over him from above.
I hope you will find someone that will make you the happiest you have ever been in life. I love you so much, brother.
And I'm sorry.
I am sorry it had to be this way.

I have been reading this letter, for the millionth time, each time just as powerful.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?" I cried out.

I was in my room, baby Jongin laying in my bed, sound asleep.

Unaware of the biggest loss in his life.

(End of flashback)


Jungkook's POV


How dare he step foot in that house?

After all he has done to her?

How dare he?

I was angry. Angrier I had ever been in my whole life.

I had to go and get Souline out of there as soon as possible.

Before he hurts her.

Souline's POV

"Don't touch me!" I glared at the Haneul guy, spitting at him.

"You stupid bitch." He yelled and a pain across my cheek made me realize what happened.

He slapped me.

This son of a bitch slapped me.

"How dare you spit at me?" He asked about to slap me again when there were gunshots heard outside of the basement.

"Go and check what the hell is going on!" He yelled to someone and one of the bodyguards there ran outside of the basement.

"Now, again, how dare you spit at me?" He slapped me once again.

It was such a hard slap and maybe because I was hurt, hungry and out of energy, it felt much more stronger.

I almost lost consciousness.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I heard someone yell.

My vision was all blurry.

But I clearly see Jungkook,

Slapping and punching the hell out of Haneul.

Someone rushed to my side, I turned to see Namjoon, untying my hands.

V and Suga pulled Jungkook away from Haneul.

"Jungkook!" I called out.

I somehow walked over to him.

"You're okay. Shhh... shhh... You're okay." He placed his arms around me as I cried on his chest.

He pulled away, putting his hands on either side of my face. "You're okay. You're going to be okay. I got you."

(End of chapter 15.)

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