Chapter 44

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Third Person's POV


Octavia yelled out.

She was waiting outside the mansion in her car, as Souline ran away.

"I told you I would come!" She got inside the car and then it hit her.

What she saw...

What she heard...

Her heart broke.

She looked over at Octavia who had no clue what had happened to her best friend whom she described as "She was my sister."

She couldn't imagine her being in pain.

She couldn't imagine Jungkook being in pain.

But she had to tell them.

She was not going to hide it.

The truth has to be revealed.

"Where is Jungkook?" She asked.

"The guys took him with them. He was going to kill Myung Dae." Octavia sighed.

The girls were driving home.

It took them about an hour till they arrived.

"What do you have in your hands by the way?" Octavia asked looking at the envelopes she was holding.

"The truth." Was what Souline answered before opening the front door and going inside.

"What? What do you mean?" Octavia asked out loud.

Souline turned around to grab her hand and together they walked up to Octavia's room before anyone else could notice they came home.

"Souline! What is happening?" Octavia asked confusedly as they entered her room.

Souline walked over to Octavia's desk and opened up her laptop.

"Souline, what are you doing?"

"Octavia... I have to show you something." Souline looked over to her friend.

"What is it?!"

"It's the truth about what happened to Jisoo."

"What do you mean?"

"Jisoo... went through so much more than she let on." Souline looked down.


"She was raped!"

"WHAT?! She didn't tell me anything? She... she loved Haneul... it wouldn't be rape is she was in love with him and wanted to have a family with him... I..."

"I have to show you this." Souline turned on the video.

She closed her eyes, not bearing to watch that video again.

"Oh... my..." Octavia's eyes widened.

"H-How.... I... I... Oh, my god... Jisoo!" She cried.

Her crying echoed throughout her room.

Her heart broke in pieces.

Her best friend died everyday infront of her and she had no idea.

"Jisoo!" Octavia cried.

Her knees went weak.

She fell to the floor, crying.

"Octavia!" Souline screamed.

She was crying too.

She reached forward and grabbed Octavia, hugging her close to her chest.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Octavia cried.

"Shhh... We will find out... Okay?" Souline tried to convince her.

She wasn't sure about them being able to find anything but she had hope.

"Everyday... She died infront of me." Octavia broke down.

Her crying was heard outside of the room making J-Hope and Namjoon run inside the room.


"Girls?" Namjoon asked entering the room.

"Are you okay?" J- Hope ran over to Octavia's side.

"J-Hope... Jisoo." She managed to point to the laptop as she cried.

J-Hope looked over at the laptop and his eyes widened.

"Jisoo?" He asked confusedly.

Namjoon ran over to check and indeed.

It was Jisoo.

"That is..." Namjoon's eyes shifted towards Souline.

"Myung Dae..." She closed her eyes.

She was disgusted to even say his name.

The video was over and before either of them could do anything, another video started.

A very familiar voice that the three except Souline, knew by heart, was heard.


(End of chapter 44.)

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