Chapter 60

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Third Person's POV

His lips on hers,

as his fingers did the magic down there, controlling her whole body.

"Jungkook." She let out a moan against his lips.

Oh.... how he loved that.

"Yes, baby girl." He smirked.

After kissing on her neck he moved down her body again.

He placed kisses all over her body.

He placed kisses on one thigh, and then the other.

He noticed how impatient she was getting and without a warning, his tounge started to work its magic on her.

He claimed her.

She had already been his but... this time... it was official.

He smirked as she let out moans in satisfaction.

But just before she could cum, he pulled away.

"Ahh!" She groaned before glaring at him.

"It's not time yet, baby girl."

He sat up, unbuckling his belt, and sliding down his pants.

Souline gulped in fear as she stared at the already formed bulge under his underwear.


"H-huh?" She looked up at him.

He smirked.

Pulling down his underwear, his full body coming into view.

She gulped in fear again as she stared at his hard manhood came into view.

He slowly got on top of her again and started kissing her.

"J-Jungkook..." She pulled away.

"I'm scared."

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked in concern.

"N-No..." she sighed, "I just..."

"I'll be careful. I won't hurt you."

Slowly, he put himself inside of her.

Carefully moving, he watched as Souline winced in pain.

"Should I stop?" he asked again.

Souline could feel the pain slowly turning into pleassure.

Her winces of pain slowly turned into moans.

"Oh my god!" She moaned.

Jungkook has picked up his pace, moving faster and faster by minute.

"Fuck..." he moaned.

"You feel so good baby girl."

The room echoed in moans coming from the two of them.

Jungkook's picked up the pace again, going even faster than before.

"J-Jungkook... Oh... my... god!" Souline said between her moans.

She could feel herself close to cumming.

Oh my goodness.

He was also close.

"Ahhh! Jungkook." With one last thrust, Jungkook came inside of her.

"Oh my god, baby..." he placed his forehead on hers, "That felt so good."

His fast pace had lead into the bed breaking.

He was lying down beside her.

"We broke the bed."

Souline's shyness had washed away as she stared at Jungkook wide eyed before bursting to laughter, "No, you broke the bed."

"Which you happened to take part in. I wasn't having sexual relation with myself now was I?"

"You are going to have to pay for that."

He arches his eyebrow and with a smirk he turns to her, "Really?" is all he asks.

"I have a billion dollars and you're implying I have to pay for a damn headboard and box-spring?" He asked again.

Her giggles filled up the room as she rolled her eyes at him, "I'm so sore," she tried getting up from the bed, "Tonight was incredible."

Jungkook reached over and grabbed her hand, "I'm still not over with you."

Her heart dropped once that statement left his mouth, "What?"

He pulled on her hand and pulled her back on the bed.

(End of chapter 60.)

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