Chapter 50

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Third Person's POV


"Let go of me!" Jisoo pushed Myung Dae away, trying to leave the room.

She was doing the video and got caught by Myung Dae.

"I will kill you." He slapped her.

"How dare you go behind my back and try to run away?" He yelled.

"You are a fucking monster. LEAVE ME ALONE!" She pushed him.

For the first time since forever, she is finally responding back.

She has had enough of this abuse.

Enough of this pain.

and if she was going to die then, she would die fighting.

"You are not going anywhere, you hear me?" He slapped her again and then grabbed her by the hair, "You do realize that you will be my wife. You will have my children."

"You are digusting!" Jisoo spat at him.

"And I will make you disgusting too." He said while trying to force himself on to her.

She backed away but he grabbed her again.

As she was trying to pull away from him, he pushed her and she fell backwards to the table.

It was then where she went unconscious.


"Jisoo, wake up!" Myung Dae neared over to her body.

She was breathing but very very faintly.

Myung Dae wasn't able to notice.

He panicked.

He came up with a plan, last minute.

He pulled out a letter and a pen, began writing a suicide note.

He then hanged up Jisoo's body, just in time when Jungkook came.

He managed to also run away from the scene before Jungkook made it into the room.

Jongin had woken up and was now crying.

Jungkook was shocked.

His legs carried him over to Jongin who was crying and picked him up.

He was in shock to do anything.

"Jungkook!" Bora ran inside.

Her eyes widened at the scene.

"I will take care of this. Jungkook, go!" She pushed Jungkook out.

Jungkook walked out.

He was still in shock at what he had seen.

Bora on the other hand wasn't.

She put Jisoo down to the floor and tried to wake her up.

Thank goodness she didn't stay up there for too long.

"Ugh..." Jisoo groaned, and then began coughing.

"You're okay. You're going to be okay." Bora said and hugged her.

She managed to figure out a way to get her out of the house before Myung Dae noticed.

She found a dead girl's body to replace with Jisoo's.

She was also scared herself by the power she had through Myung Dae.

"Where will she go?" Joy, her most trusted maid asked.

"You are going with her... to Switzerland!" Bora announced.

"Yes, ma'am!" She nodded. "But for how long?"

"Until I will tell you it's safe. Until I call you back!"

"Jisoo..." She neared over to the ambulance where Jisoo was laying in.

"I will take care of everyone here. You go and take care of yourself for now." She teared up.

And that... was how Jisoo managed to escape Myung Dae.

That was how she made it to Switzerland.

At a rehabilitation centre.

(End of flashback)


Joy called her.

When Jisoo turned around her smile faded away, and her eyes widened.

It was as if every memory of her past hit her at once.

She turned around and ran away.

Away from them.

(End of chapter 50)

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