Chapter 4

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Soul's POV

I was back in that room again.

It was my prison.

It felt like one.

I gulped in fear as Jungkook looked down at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked after a while, his hands on the pockets of his suit pants.

He was wearing a deep blue colored suit, with the tie slightly undone.

He took of the suit jacket and the sleeves of his shirt were folded all the way to the elbows.

Damn, he looked good.


"What do you think you're doing keeping me here? LET ME GO!" I glared at him and he raised his brow.

"One. Do not raise your voice at me, and two, you are my gift, I am keeping you here." He said walking closer to me.

"I am not an object for fuck's sake! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME HERE!" I yelled again and he glared at me, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to him.

When I tried to pull away he used other hand on my waist to keep my body glued to his.

"You are mine." He looked down at me as I gulped.

"Get it through your head that you are not going anywhere." He said and let me go.

Before I could get over the closeness we had, he already walked out of the door and locked it behind him.

"BASTARD!" I yelled in frustration and began crying.

I was so helpless, I hated this feeling

I sat there on the floor, crying for as long as possible, that I got a headache.

"Just what I needed." I muttured under my breath and got up to drink a bit of water but my knees went weak, my vision all blurry before I collided with the hard floor, slipping into darkness.


"She hasn't eaten in days. She needs to eat when she wakes up so that she can get better." Someone said as I tried opening my eyes.

"Wh- what is going on?" I asked trying to sit up but someone pushed me back down.

"Rest now, food is on it's way." A guy said and I looked up at him weirdly.

I don't know him.

What caught my attention about this guy was his plump lips.

He was handsome, indeed.

Soul, you were about to die and this is what you think! Hah!!!

"Who are you?" I asked looking back and forth between him and the other guy who I believe was a doctor.

"My name is Park Jimin. You had fainted when I came in to check on you. Why didn't you eat anything?" He asked worriedly and I gave him a faint smile.

"If I had money I would!" I looked away from him and he sighed.

"What about the food that Seokjin hyung came in with?" He asked again and I turned to him.

"I am not eating anything you guys give me. Who knows what you put in there?" I rolled my eyes and a sharp pain in my head made me wince.

"What is going on here? Why did you call me?" Jungkook appeared at the door and I glared at him.

"She fainted. Hasn't eaten anything in days." Jimin explained the situation and Jungkook turned to me, as I avoided his look.

"Why aren't you eating? I'm sure Seokjin came in here with food!" He told me while I kept silent and avoiding him.

Suddenly a faint knock was heard and a girl holding a tray of food entered the room.

Jungkook took the tray from her and without even thanking her, she was dismissed.

"Everyone leave." He told Jimin and also the doctor to leave.

I looked at Jimin with hopeful eyes to not leave me alone with Jungkook but he gave me a sad smile before leaving.

"You need to eat." Jungkook sat down on the bed and I looked the other way.

"Souline!" He said sternly and I turned to him.

"I am not eating anything." I said and he grabbed the spoon, trying to feed me but I turned my head away.

"Well, you're leaving me no other choice." He grabbed a grape and put it between his teeth, and before I could realize what he was doing, he grabbed my neck and pulled me close to him...

Our lips smashed...

(End of chapter 4.)

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