Chapter 59

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Third Person's POV

Jungkook opened the door to his apartment, entering first before grabbing Souline's wrist and pulling her inside.

He slammed the door shut and pinned Souline against it, attacking her lips with his.

"Jungkook.." She let out a moan.

She felt breathless.

"hmm?" He hummed against her lips.

He pulled away from her lips only to slowly move down to her neck.

Usually Souline tickles on her neck but this time, right now, she could not feel anything as the lust and intimacy the two were having, covered every other emotion.

She let go of her bag and jacket, placing her hands around his neck.

"Isn't this too much for a first date?" She asked breathlessly.

He pulled away to stare at her, a smirk on his face.

"Well baby girl, this is my kind of date." He smirked.

In between kisses they walked over to the room which was just around the corner.

He slowly pulled the zipper down, sending shiver down her body as his finger came in contact with her skin in the process.

He smirked down at her.

Her hands reached up to his shirt, starting to unbutton it.




Slowly but sure enough, his bare chest came into view.

And further down, the six pack he had been hiding.

And even further down, blush rose up to her cheeks.

That made Jungkook smile.

"You're so cute."

She glared up at him.

"Cute?" She asked, "I'm not cute... I'm sexy."

She pushed him down on the bed, her dress fell down to her feet in the process.

She didn't know where this confidence was coming from.

She pushed away the dress and slowly got on top of him.

His heart was racing.

Tilting his head on one side, he stared at her, up and down.

His lower lip slowly moved between his teeth.

His lower lip slowly moved between his teeth

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"Don't look at me like that." She turned her head away.

She placed her arms around her body, trying to cover herself.

Jungkook sat up, placing his finger under her chin, turning her head towards him.

He reached over to remove her arms from her body.

She was about to protest but the firmness on his eyes made her give in.

He watched her.

He watched as she shyly looked away from him, blush rising up to her cheeks.

She had never showed herself to someone, NEVER, like this.

"You are so beautiful."

The moment those words left his mouth, Souline's nervousness started to die down.

"All of this," he stared at her before whispering, "Mine."

She smirked, "All yours."

He reached behind her back and uncliped the bra, throwing it on the side of the room.

Before she could even blink, Jungkook turned them over so he was now on top.

"As much as I'd love to see you be in control, tonight, I'm the dominant one." He leaned down, whispering on her ear.

She let go.

She let go of anything she wanted to control.

He can be in control.

He slowly moved down, placing kisses all over her body.

Starting from her neck, down to her breast, down her stomach... all the wat between her thighs.

He smirked looking at her.

Her eyes were closed.

His fingers reached over to the tip of her underwear, slowly sliding them off.

Shivers ran through her body.

He loved the effect he had on her, but that... was only the beginning... of the wild night she was going to have.

(End of chapter 59.)

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