Chapter 36

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Third Person's POV

After the long car ride, they finally arrived at their location.

Myung Dae's house.

It was a huge mansion.

Almost as huge as the mansion Jungkook owned.

"This is my house." Myung Dae pointed as they got out of the car.

He had walked and opened the door for her.

"Thank you." She thanked him.

"You have great manners. You grew up well as I can see." He tried to smile and she nodded.

"I tried my best in this lonely world."

"Let's go inside. You can rest, so we can talk tomorrow." He gestured for her to walk forward.

She walked ahead of him and soon before they even got to the door, the front door opened to reveal a woman.

She was wearing very revealing clothes that made Souline uncomfortable.

"Hello!" The woman smiled and pulled Souline into a hug.

"Uh... hi!" Souline awkwardly pat her back.

What the hell was she doing?

Who is this woman?

"My name is Bora, I am your dad's girlfriend." She smiled and then her eyes widened, "Maybe I shouldn't have said that... honey I am sorry." She looked past Souline to stare and Myung Dae who was not so pleased.

"I wanted to be the one to tell you that but seems like Bora had other plans." He glared at her.

"It's fine. It's your life after all. You can do whatever you want." She answered.

She didn't care that he had a girlfriend.

It's not like she was close and had a bond with her dad to care like that.

He didn't care about her life, why would she care about his.

"I have prepared a room for you, let's go." The woman put her hand behind Souline's back and gestured her kindly to follow her.

Souline followed her up the stairs to a room.

"I did not have a lot of time to prepare everything, I hope you like it. If you need anything just tell me, okay?" She smiled kindly and opened the door to reveal a very beautiful room.

It was a white colored room with peach color aesthetic to it.

The room was very beautiful considering how dark and mysterious this whole mansion looked

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The room was very beautiful considering how dark and mysterious this whole mansion looked.

There was no homey feeling to it, except this room.

"You like it?" The woman asked as she watched Souline look around the room.

"Thank you for the room, but I would like to speak to Myung Dae." Souline turned to the woman.

"Uh... you can get off your jacket and get comfortable. When I talk with you dad, I will come get you." Bora smiled and Souline nodded.

She needed to speak to Myung Dae as fast as possible and leave this mansion.

She didn't have time to even say goodbye to everyone.

She wanted to at least do that.

Bora was taking a long time to talk to Myung Dae that Souline got impatient.

She exited the room and walked down the hallway and down the stairs she took before coming up here.

On the first floor there was a long hallway that led to a huge wooden door.

A lot of noise was coming from inside as Souline grew curious.

She started walking and with each step the noise became more clearer.

"... Myung Dae, please!" Bora was heard yelling.

"I clearly remember telling you to take her to me! How dare you lose her to that Jungkook asshole?" Myung Dae yelled.

A familiar voice made Souline's body shiver.

"Father, please. You know how Jungkook is... and she was being very difficult. I had to do something for that bitc-"




(End of chapter 36.)

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